The premise of ' Don't eat less, Eat Right' is pretty much self explanatory but has some reallt really interesting points hidden inside.
One point being that if we eat healthily we will lose weight as side result. So make you aim to eat healthy and don't focus on the weight loss because it will happen.
The next point is that this piece of weight loss advice fits in with what we at Mind Body Weight Loss believe is the best weight loss strategy ever:
The final point that I feel this tip falls under is the 'Eat Less CRAP, Eat More FOOD' because if you eat less crap and and eat more healthy food you are still eating the same amount, but the difference is that you are eating more healthy and as a result the weight will come off.
"The best strategy we have got is to just add in good stuff and eventually it will crowd out the bad stuff. It’s so simple and deactivates the mental neurosis we have about diets and what we have to eat"
Source – David Wolfe
I hope you found this post helpful.
Take care and speak soon.
Mindful Mark
This is a very valuable thing shared, I just want to thank for letting us know about this wonderful blog.