

Friday, 9 August 2013

Mindful Weight Loss Tips

Mindfulness is fantastic ways to enjoy life in the moment and extend can help you lose weight here are some tips I have found recently which I would like to share with you:

Eat mindfully. Turn off the TV, put away the computer and mobile devices, even put away the book or newspaper. If you eat with any of these things (most people do), eating without them will seem boring. And yet, unless you do this, you are not truly appreciating your food. I like eating my oats (with nuts and berries — see my diet) mindfully, paying attention to each bite. It makes the food taste better, and I eat slowly and with gratefulness.
Leo Babauta

As you know we at Mind Body Weight Loss we love mindful and conscious eating and I love the way it is explained in the above quote.

Wash your bowl. When you’re done eating, wash your dish immediately. Do it while paying full attention to your washing, to the water and suds.
Leo Babauta

This extends upon the mindful eating and can continue in to the washing up, the process of mindfulness can also take place in the purchasing and preparing of the food with thanks for the people who worked to get the food to you.

Block one or more senses. Eat blindfolded, wear earplugs, shower with your eyes closed.

This one sounds like a different way to fully to experience the food you are eating because when one sense is muted the other become more aware and can raise your mindfulness consciousness of the food you are eating.

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