

Monday, 12 August 2013

3 steps to lose weight without that diet!

As you know I hate diets and know that you can lose weight with out them, however I can see why we always go for diets. We are always told about a fantastic new diet that works, but this does not mean the will work for you.  You have come from within yourself

I can here you saying, “What the hell are you going on about!”

Well, every one has a different body and mind, even twins are different. So knowing this why should one diet be right for every one.

So how do I lose weight?

I am glad you asked that!  These three steps will set you on the road to that dream body that you craved and wanted.

1. Find out how much you want to lose.

I what mean by this, feel and visualise what it would like when you have that dream body right now. You have to really feel this in this moment. When you get thoughts like, I can’t do it, it is so hard to lose weight or I am not good enough. Change those thoughts to, I can lose it, I can lose weight quickly and easily and I am perfect and all is good coming to me. Even write these down and put them where you can see them through out the day.

2. be happy now

If you are not happy with your self now you will never be happy with your self, even if you lose the weight. This is another reason why diets do not work! You may lose the weight with a dieting but if you are not happy, you will never be happy even if you have a perfect slim body. If you go to weigh in I bet you look around and say to yourself, “why is she/he here, they nothing to lose”, however in their world they think they are over weight and are unhappy. We are all different.
So be grateful and happy right now for what you have and you will get more of what you are focusing on.

3. Believe and take action.

You have to believe that you can do it, with out any doubt. But if you are doing the first to two steps this will not be problem, it will just come naturally, as you are happy and grateful in this moment. In this moment is where you make the changes.

Now action! Ahhhhhh! This does mean it has to be a chore. Remember you are feeling happy and grateful in this moment so what ever you choose you will be happy with it. All you have to do take a little action towards your dream goal and each time you reach a little goal really feel proud of yourself and move on to the next small goal. And keep feeling happy and grateful for what you have.

I really hope that this helps you to lose weight. I know you can do it, I believe in you!
If you only do one thing I would say feel good NOW! If you do this one small thing you will have changes in your life. Good Luck!

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