

Saturday, 17 August 2013

I Want Weight Loss or Just Weight Loss?

This week I found a fascinating graphic which really resonated with me. I found it on a website called this site has illustrates famous quotes in to comic strip which always make me think.

This quote and comic strip was about the Buddha and less is more. Take a look:

Now we can replace the word 'happiness' with 'weight loss', 'wealth' or anything else we wish to attain. The point is nothing should get in the way of us achieving our goals and this includes our ego and desires.

This theory was discussed by Joseph Murphy in his great book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind he suggests that when you notice yourself having any negative thoughts or doubts about achieving your goal you should repeat the you goal over and over to yourself to focus your mind and body back on to its purpose. Now he does not suggest an affirmation, he suggests, like the Buddha in the picture above, that you repeat just the word; For example 'Weight Loss" if you want to lose weight, "Wealth" if you want to get rich, "Health" if you want to get better and of course Happiness" if you wish to attain happiness.

The thinking behind this is that by just taking your focus to what you want to achieve there are no distraction for the brain in knowing what you want so it can easily drive you towards the direction you want to head. I guess it is a little like putting directions in the SatNav you give the place name and that is it you complicate it with road names and land marks.

I hope you found this blog post helpful, if so why not sign up for our eNewsletter to get free weight loss goodies, offers and lots weight loss information to help you not only lose weight but to keep it off.

Take care and speak soon.

Mindful Mark

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