

Saturday, 31 August 2013

H.A.L.T Technique for Weight Loss

This H.A.L.T technique for weight loss provides a fantastic structure of how to listen to your body prior to eating.

Listen to the audio above to learn more about this technique and how it can help you lose weight and keep it off. Alternatively you can read the transcript on our website

The basic premise of H.A.L.T is:

Eat when you are not HUNGRY.

Eat when you are not ANGRY.

Eat when you are not LONELY.

Eat when you are not TIRED

By managing your H.A.L.T you can understand what triggers you to eat more or eat unhealthily.

Kind regards

Mindful Mark

Friday, 30 August 2013

Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 1

Below are the first 4 suggestions for thoughts, self talk and affirmations you can use to help you lose weight.

1. I don’t have to eat it just because its on my plate.
This is a really powerful new thought and changes the mentality that many of us learnt as children that we have to eat every thing on our plate to get a reward of pudding. So be kind to yourself and develop this new thought.

2. BIG PORTIONS – BIG PEOPLE       Small portions – small people.
Now I am not totally sold on this, but I guess there is an element of truth in it. A big portion of healthy food which provides your daily requirements of nutrients could be right but a big portions of fast food on the other hand would create a bigger person.

3. What have I learned about my eating style today?
This is a very powerful question to ask yourself to begin to know what works and what does not for. You can also learn your eating strength and weakness. The best way to understand your eating style is to prepare and eat your food consciously, another post we have done that can help you learn about your eating style called 'The Five Contemplations While Eating'
4. I can DO this just ONE more day.
The theory on this thought goes something along the lines of, if I can do this for 1 day then I can do it for 1 more day. If I have done this for 2 days I can therefore do this for 2 more days.

Please let us know how you get on with this 4 initial thought concepts and we will share some more in part 2 with you soon.

Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 1
Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 3
Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 4

Take care and speak soon.

Mindful Mark

The source of these thoughts for weight loss come from our friends at

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Watch Your Weight Loss

I really like this picture above as it demonstrates what can happen from just a thought. The power of a thought is not just a quote it is embedded deep in Philosophy, Self Help and Religion:

As the Buddha said "All that we are is the result of what we have thought" and the quote in the picture above demonstrates this. The good thing is the past is over and right here, right now we can change our thoughts to be what ever we want them to be. We did posts on how to do this called Affirmations For Weight Loss.

So lets change the words in the picture slightly to apply it only to weight loss:

Watch your Weight Loss Thoughts for they become your Weight Loss Words.

Watch your Weight Loss Words for they become your Weight Loss Actions.

Watch your Weight Loss Actions for they become your Weight Loss Habits.

Watch your Weight Loss Habits for they become your Weight Loss Character.

Watch your Weight Loss Character for they become your Weight Loss Destiny.

Seeing it written like this helps us see the power of our thoughts to enable us to achieve our weight loss (or any other) goals.

Wishing you a great day.

Mindful Mark

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Not Losing Weight!

As I keep saying diets should not be a past time and something you try alot of, because they do not work. Losing Weight is some thing to do only once. This quote is both humorous and factual:

"I am not losing weight. I am getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again"
Click to Tweet

Everything we talk about on the blog and in our eNewsletter is about just this, supporting you to lose weight and and keep it off. We believe that where the mind leads the body will follow, so by working with the mind to lose weight will enable you to lose weight of your body and keep it off.

Take care and speak soon

Can Do Craig

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Eating In Front of Mirror to Lose Weight

This really interesting weight loss tip of Eat in Front of The Mirror to Lose Weight has some psychological Mind Body research to back it up.

The joint research between Arizona State University and Erasmus University in Rotterdam concluded that viewing yourself eating encourages us to eat less.
During their experiments, the researchers placed a mirror in front of participants and found that those eating in front of a mirror consumed less food. The researchers believe that this is because seeing ourselves eat makes us more aware of our bodies and that we do not want to watch ourselves overeat.
Source - Huffington Post
This is really interesting and was back by a nudging experiment which was shown on the BBC one show (I have looked to find it for you but can't find it at the moment) that had two bowls, one with fruit and one with chocolate. The first time the experiment was set up most people ate Chocolate. The second time they set up the experiment and a different group of people came to choose between the bowls more of them chose fruit. The only difference between the two set ups was on the second set up they had a mirror behind the bowls so the person choosing could see a reflection of themselves when selecting. When the experiment is repeated it gets the same results. Here is a slightly different method to encourage eating Fruit instead of Chocolate but you can get the idea from the video how similar it is.

My suggestion from this is to have a mirror in front of you when you eat, a mirror on your fridge door and a blue light on the inside and see how this effects your weight loss and portion control.

Take care

Mindful Mark

Monday, 26 August 2013

Learn why dieting will not work, EVER!

You must know I feel very passionate about this!


I thought you'd never ask!

Dieting makes your body think that you are starving, so the more you carry on dieting the more you end up binging. So even if you hit you target weight, your body feels that you have been starving for ages.

So what happens then? 

As you have hit your target weight you body relaxes and goes back onto over eating mode. This is yo yo dieting.

Let me ask you this, do you read stories about how a top celebrity lost 3 stone on a new fantastic diet?

Well I bet you did not know that they have a team going around with them checking what they eat and make sure they exercise, just to make sure they have lost the weight before the January slot photos. Oh yes! don’t forget the big pay check!.

Now! If this new fantastic diet works, why would they need to have this big team around them all the time. You would think it would work without the team! That is what they are selling!

I mean you will not have a team around you. Yes you might go to a class. But it is not the same. So knowing at this even they know that it will not work. You will lose weight but you will not keep it off. THEY KNOW THIS!

Out of a hundred people that will go on a diet, only 5% will keep the weight off.

YES! 5%

So when you think about losing weight stop and think again. Do I really need to do this more than once!  Remember what we say at Mind Body Weight Loss and that is you should lose weight only once and never put it back on.

Just one more point. If these diets work why is obesity going up and up, it should have gone down!

Work with your mind and your body will follow and stay at it weight. The mind is key to weight loss.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Desiring Weight Loss

The quote above by Eric Thomas helps demonstrate the way to develop your desire to lose weight. In the Silva Method, they say that we need 3 things to action change in our life; Desire, Belief and Expectancy. This quote helps us understand and develop our desire:

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breather then you will be successful"
Eric Thomas

It is extended upon by a Zen Buddhism Story which really made us think.

A hermit was meditating by a river when a young man interrupted him. "Master, I wish to become your disciple," said the man. "Why?" replied the hermit. The young man thought for a moment. "Because I want to find God."

The master jumped up, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, dragged him into the river, and plunged his head under water. After holding him there for a minute, with him kicking and struggling to free himself, the master finally pulled him up out of the river. The young man coughed up water and gasped to get his breath. When he eventually quieted down, the master spoke. "Tell me, what did you want most of all when you were under water."

"Air!" answered the man.

"Very well," said the master. "Go home and come back to me when you want God as much as you just wanted air."

Source -

The Silva Method explains the developing of Desire, Belief and Expectancy as:

In working with our students we have discovered that lasting success with any health-related goal—whether it’s to shake off a minor ailment or reduce the symptoms of a serious illness—can only happen when you condition your mind for 3 outcomes:

  • Develop a deep desire for your goal.
  • Whole-heartedly believe that this goal is possible.
  • Fully expect this goal to happen.

We call this thought process Desire-Belief-Expectancy or D-B-E, and although it may sound simple on the surface, mastering it requires a significant level of control over your subconscious mind.

Source - Silva Method

Here at Mind Body Weight Loss we can help you develop your subconscious mind to achieve your weight loss goals.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Believing in Weight Loss

Believing in weight loss can make a huge difference to the amount of weight you lose, don't just believe me, listen to the Weight Loss Belief Audio above to hear how scientists proved this.

I have also popped some quotes about belief and believing to demonstrate its power.

"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."
Muhammad Ali Click to Tweet Quote

"Belief creates the actual fact."
William James Click to Tweet Quote

"When you believe a thing, believe in it all the way."
Walt Disney Click to Tweet Quote

"We are what we believe we are"
Benjamin N. Cardozo Click to Tweet Quote

"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right."
Henry Ford Click to Tweet Quote

"Man is what he believes"
Anton Chekov Click to Tweet Quote

"The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs."
James Allen Click to Tweet Quote

"To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest"
Mahatma Gandhi Click to Tweet Quote

"One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests."
John Stuart Mill Click to Tweet Quote

"Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself."
Robert Collier Click to Tweet Quote

Take care and speak soon

Mindful Mark

Friday, 23 August 2013

Love and Acceptance for Weight Loss

I intended to write a whole section on why love and acceptance for weight loss is important when I searched for an image to support the post I found the image above, which is a really nice summary.

"Love means that you accept a person with all their failures, stupidities, ugly points, and nonetheless you see perfection in imperfection itself."

I believe that the person is perfect and that it is some of our behaviours which are imperfect, but luckily for we can change behaviours but we can not change us as whole. I am a very strong believer that our behaviours and us, as a person, are very different things. Lets explain this further we could say to a child that they are silly, or we can say that the child behaved in silly way. The last statement enables the child to love them self as whole but change the silly behaviour.
"Love the person, Dislike the behavior" 
This quote is so powerful and I believe that you as a person is whole perfect and complete and can love and accept yourself in the fullest. And seeing as we spend 24 hours every day with our self loving and accepting our self exactly as we are makes sense.

At this point if you have behaviours you dislike, be grateful and thankful for them for getting you to this point. A point where you love and accept yourself enough to making yourself the best you can be by changing your behaviours. In Buddhism they do not have a word for guilt, they see guilt as pointless. Love and accept that something in the past was done incorrectly but pledge with love, acceptance and kindness to yourself that in the future you would do it (behave) differently. Can you see the difference? Guilt is pointless it is just a way to beat ourselves up and stay stuck in the past. Loving and Accepting exactly where you are gives you a base to adapt your behaviour to make the future exactly as you would like it to be. The power is in the now.

So I love and accept you exactly as you are are, and now I hope you do too. By accepting yourself as you are now gives you a fantastic base to work from to lose weight

Kind regards

Mindful Mark

p.s If you would like to learn more way to love and accept yourself please read 'You can heal your life' by Louise L Hay

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Weight Loss Psychology of Colour

Today I was watching a fascinating video which discussed the Weight Loss Psychology of Colour. We touched upon this in a previous post on our blog called 'Portion Control for Weight Loss' as well as one on our website titled the 'Psychology of Portion Control'. They stated the power of the subconscious mind people eat less from a blue plate.

In the video the first suggestion is to change the light bulb in you fridge to a blue light bulb. The reason behind this is really interesting and it goes something like this:
"It makes everything in the fridge unappetizing because we unconsciously associate blue with moldy food"
Source - HowCast Video

The Weight Loss Psychology of Colour then continues with the following statement:

"Red, Yellow and Orange stimulate the appetite"
Source - HowCast Video

This is why most fast food establishments use these colours, it is not an accident, it is done on purpose to sell more food and make us eat more unhealthy food. However the reason behind this Psychology of Weight Loss is that in nature foods of this colour are generally really good for us.

I hope you found this post helpful and whilst you checkout the video on youTube please subscribe to the MBWLtv channel to get the all the latest information for Weight Loss.

Kind regards

Mindful Mark

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

What are the keys to weight loss?

Have you ever wondered what the keys to weight loss are? Well my Mind Body Weight Loss Colleague Mindful Mark has produced a video with some really fantastic tips that not only help you lose weight but will help you keep it off.

If you love this video as much as I do why not checkout some of our other videos on the Mind Body Weight Loss youTube channel. You can subscribe to keep fully upto date with all of our videos.

Thanks for listening.

Can Do Craig.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Mind Body Power for Weight Loss

This story of Mind Body Power for Weight Loss is truly amazing. Kathleen Pryor turned her life round when she was a student at University, she was 23 years old and could see where her life was heading.

Her family has a history of type 2 diabetes which, along with her height (157cm) and weight(84 kilos) statistics, put her at increased risk of being the next person to be diagnosed.

The first thing Kathleen did was to stop eating processed food and started eating fruit and vegetables instead. This is a great thing to do and this fits in with the tip we keep repeating here at Mind Body Weight Loss which is to 'Eat Less CRAP, Eat More Food' which you can read more about on our website. Another think she did was to learn to jog and seeing as she had never tried this form of exercise before she used a interesting Smart Phone App called 'couch to 5 kilometres' which really helped her lose weight.

Having tried many diets but to no avail, Ms Pryor concluded that it was by addressing any mental health or anxiety issues which ultimately helped her lose weight.

"I had anxiety in my early 20s so it wasn't until I dealt with that that I could deal with these other issues,"

With the help of counselling she realised why she was 'comfort eating' and understood what was driving it.

"I really don't think there's enough focus on the mental health aspects of it . . . I feel like obesity is a symptom of poor mental health. Most of us know which foods are bad for us, so ask yourself, 'Why am I making these choices?' "
Source -
Like us, I hope you now see that by addressing the mind as your tool for weight loss you can help the body not only lose weight but also keep it off. Well done Kathleen, if you can do it so can others. It is just a case of coping you model. If any readers need extra support with this method please sign up to our eNewsletters or checkout Jon Gabriel who has had similar success using a similar method he calls The Gabriel Method.

Take care and speak soon.

Mindful Mark

Monday, 19 August 2013

Positive Weight Loss Affirmations

Positive Weight Loss Affirmations are a fantastic way to help you lose weight by developing positive thinking. Our audio below explains how affirmations can help you, why and we even share 15 great weight loss affirmations with you.

You can read the transcript for this video on our the Mind Body Weight Loss website.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Great Advice From Weight Loss Experts

Why not read some Great Advice From Weight Loss Experts their advice seems to make alot of sense to me.

“Never starving, never stuffed.”
Danielle Omar, MS, RD

Great advice there from Danielle because it mean listening to your body and its messages.

“It doesn’t take willpower to lose weight for good, it takes good planning!”
Amy McCallister, RD

I always remember being taught the 5 Ps - Proper Planning Prevent Poor Performance.

“Those who don’t TAKE time to eat healthy now, may have to MAKE time for an illness later.”
Janelle Dietze RD CSG LD

This to me is quite profound, there is always cause and effect, you are trading how long you live on this planet by the type of food you put in your body. This concept really moves me and makes me realise that our time on earth is short.

“Foods are not fattening.They may be high in calories but they are not fattening.Excess calories, above your daily maintenance requirements, are fattening.”
Lisa Stollman-Smouha, MA, RD, CDE, CDN

Interesting view, I guess what Lisa is saying is that a big mac is not unhealthy if you only have one small bite it is the excess above our daily requirement that makes us unhealthy.

“Habits not diets.”
Sheryl Lozicki, RD, MBA

Changing a thought and a behaviour can change our habits and if it is a good habit our results will be good too.

“Seek food rather than avoid it.”
Rebecca Wright, MS, RD, LD

By avoiding food we come to desire it so it is better to have food we like but in small quantities and to add more and more good foods to our diet until they overtake the bad foods.

“Face your stuff, don’t stuff your face.”
Andrea Chernus, MS, RD, CDE

Address any emotional issues you may have and other issues, like weight loss, can take care of themselves.

“Hunger is not an emergency.”
Kathleen Searles, RD

This is a clever point, why not scales your hunger from 1 - 10 anything above six or seven may require action.

“Your next meal is the best time to make a better choice.”
Danielle Omar, MS, RD

The power is always in the present moment so choose now what you think is the best option for you at your next meal.

“Your body is your house and if you don’t take care of it, you have to leave.”
Tracy Owens, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN

Leave due to ill health or death, use the power of now to change how long you are going to live. It is your choice.

“What’s going to happen if you don’t change?”
Nikki Ver Steeg, RD

What a fantastic question to ask yourself about your current position in life.

“Eat food that expires.”
Tina Marinaccio, MS, RD, CPT

I have touched upon this in a previous post, we should attempt to fill our shopping trolly with fresh food or food that do not have labels as this is the clue to eating healthy.

“We don’t need to live to eat, but learn that we eat to live.”
David Talley, MS, RD, LDN

A great paradigm shift in mentality which can make a huge different to our life.

“There are no good and bad foods, only good and bad habits.”
Jennifer DeLuca MS, RD, LD

Change your habits and you will change who you are.

Think about what you’re putting into your body and how your body will use it.”
Julie Brake, MS, RD

Think about the consequences of this food, will it mean that you will see less of your family because you will die younger or will this food make you healthier and more like likely to live longer? Eat to Live not Live to Eat!

I know this post is quite heavy however I have come to the realisation that we have the power to control a little part of how long we will live.

Take care.

Mindful Mark

Saturday, 17 August 2013

I Want Weight Loss or Just Weight Loss?

This week I found a fascinating graphic which really resonated with me. I found it on a website called this site has illustrates famous quotes in to comic strip which always make me think.

This quote and comic strip was about the Buddha and less is more. Take a look:

Now we can replace the word 'happiness' with 'weight loss', 'wealth' or anything else we wish to attain. The point is nothing should get in the way of us achieving our goals and this includes our ego and desires.

This theory was discussed by Joseph Murphy in his great book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind he suggests that when you notice yourself having any negative thoughts or doubts about achieving your goal you should repeat the you goal over and over to yourself to focus your mind and body back on to its purpose. Now he does not suggest an affirmation, he suggests, like the Buddha in the picture above, that you repeat just the word; For example 'Weight Loss" if you want to lose weight, "Wealth" if you want to get rich, "Health" if you want to get better and of course Happiness" if you wish to attain happiness.

The thinking behind this is that by just taking your focus to what you want to achieve there are no distraction for the brain in knowing what you want so it can easily drive you towards the direction you want to head. I guess it is a little like putting directions in the SatNav you give the place name and that is it you complicate it with road names and land marks.

I hope you found this blog post helpful, if so why not sign up for our eNewsletter to get free weight loss goodies, offers and lots weight loss information to help you not only lose weight but to keep it off.

Take care and speak soon.

Mindful Mark

Friday, 16 August 2013

Quotes to Help Motivate Weight Loss

"You've got 3 choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you've got."
Click to tweet this quote

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.”
Zig Ziglar - Click to tweet this quote

“My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today.”
Click to tweet this quote

“Discipline is remembering what you want.”
David Campbell - Click to tweet this quote

“We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi - Click to tweet this quote

“Your body is capable of so much more than you give it credit for.”
Click to tweet this quote

"If not now, when?"
Click to tweet this quote

"Never forget why you are doing this"
Click to tweet this quote

“Your attitude determines your altitude!”
Denis Waitley - Click to tweet this quote

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Wayne Dyer - Click to tweet this quote

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 5

This final section of Mind Techniques for Weight Loss series focuses on Meditation and Visulaisation and how it can help you lose weight.

1 Imagine yourself eating like you should be. The more you imagine it, the more likely it will become reality.
Picturing the healthiest food and imagining eating it can have a positive effect on your body and mind and can encourage you to eat this food in real life.

2 Picture yourself thin. If you believe that you can and will be thin, then you give yourself the motivation and drive to actually make it happen.
By imagining yourself going from you current weight to your ideal weight sends a great message to your body of your goal, you are then much more likely to achieve your desired weight.

3 Think about activities you’ll do when you’re thin. If you’re too overweight to do things you love right now, picture yourself doing those things as the new, thinner you.
This is great forward planning and you could even start pacing yourself toward this activity.

4 Relax. You can’t take control over your thoughts and your mind if you’re stressed out and distracted. Simply relax and let go the problems of the day.
One good way to do this is to imagine placing all your stresses on to flying saucer about to leave earth and never to return. Really imagine this scenario right the way through to it taking off and going out of sight.

5 Picture yourself wearing something you’ve always wanted to wear. A big reason many people want to lose weight is to fit into the clothes and style that they love and admire. Get a mental picture of how you’ll look sporting something you’ve always wanted to wear to give you some motivation.

Start this by imagining to look at yourself in the mirror as you now watch as you become your ideal weight. Become aware of your feelings as you leave the house to walk to purchase this piece of clothing. Notice your confidence as you get to shop and try it on and then go to checkout and purchase it and go home and put it away ready to where it. Then finally imagine how you feel wearing it.

This visualisation/meditation is fantastic way to add to you motivation.

6 Imagine that you love to exercise. Rely on the power of imagination to help give yourself the initiative you need to get fit and in shape.

There is evidence to support that imagining exercise can be as effective as actually doing it. However if you are going to imagine 20 sit ups you just as well do them.

7 Don’t let negative thoughts interfere. It’s easy to think negative thoughts about yourself when you’re tackling a big and difficult obstacle like losing weight, but you have to make sure to keep these kinds of thoughts out during your meditation. Replace them with happy, supportive ones instead.

The quote of 'it doesn't matter how thin you slice it, everything has two sides' means that if you have a negative thought FLIP it to look at the other side and examine the positive angle, explore it and ask yourself why not follow the positive.

8 Kick all unhealthy habits and foods out of visualization. Don’t let your mental fantasies include unhealthy foods and behaviors. You might really crave them but the purpose is to retrain your mind to let them go.

Imagine anything unhealthy just disappearing from around you and as more and more healthy food takes over your imagination, notice how you are losing weight. This is a fantastic way a aligning your mind in to associating eating healthy and losing weight.

9 Breathe deeply and calm yourself. Once you’re calm, relaxed, and in control of your mind and body, you’ll be able to start thinking clearly about who and where you want to be.
Source -

A great tip for this is to imagine your stomach is a balloon and as you taking in deep breaths your chest rise and as you continue to breath in your stomach rises like a balloon and you breath out your stomach go down followed by your chest really take notice of the rising and falling and you take 10 deep breaths.

We hope you have found this series of Mind Techniques for Weight Loss helpful in you achieving your weight loss goal. If you have not already, why not sign up for our eNewsletter to receive free gift, exciting offers and lots of weight loss information.

Read more in this series:
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 1
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 2
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 3
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 4

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Mindful Eating

We love the plate graphic to help demonstrate mindful eating for weight loss and just had to share it with you.

It breaks down Mindful or Conscious eating in to 5 sections:

  1. Savoring - Enjoying each aspect of the food
  2. Not Judging the food or yourself
  3. Being in the moment, no distractions
  4. Observing and listening to your body
  5. Being fully aware of the process of preparing and eating your food
This is a great graphic and is really helpful, it was created by Susan Albers the author of the book called "Eating Mindfully: How to End Mindless Eating and Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food"

Take care and speak soon

Can Do Craig

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Fidget for Weight Loss.

I am sorry to upset anyone here, but as you can probably see from my video posts I am very slim, I eat a lot but can not put the weight on. Now I know this is the opposite from most people who put weight on and have trouble losing it.

I have often wondered what I do differently throughout my day and now I think I have found out. I am such a fidget, I can not sit still for 10 minutes. I always have been, my school reports said so and I can always remember being told to 'sit still'.

Fidget More
“You can add up a surprising number of calories simply by fidgeting -- toe tapping, knee bouncing, pencil thumping, etcetera,” says Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise physiology at Auburn University in Montgomery, Ala. Research from the Mayo Clinic shows that leaner people have trouble being still, and spend about two hours a day fidgeting and pacing. The number of calories you can burn with a fidgeting habit like that can equal around 350 extra calories burned a day, which is equivalent to a 3.5 mile jog -- minus the sweat, says Olson.
Source -

With the amount I fidget I am surprised there is anything left of me.

So don't be afraid to move around and fidget your way through the day or like me, find something that you do each an every day on a subconscious level that you can change to achieve your goal. Look at you daily routine today and see if there is something in your behaviour that you can change to help you lose weight.

Please lets me know how you get on below in the comments section.

Take care and I wish you a great day.

Mindful Mark

Monday, 12 August 2013

3 steps to lose weight without that diet!

As you know I hate diets and know that you can lose weight with out them, however I can see why we always go for diets. We are always told about a fantastic new diet that works, but this does not mean the will work for you.  You have come from within yourself

I can here you saying, “What the hell are you going on about!”

Well, every one has a different body and mind, even twins are different. So knowing this why should one diet be right for every one.

So how do I lose weight?

I am glad you asked that!  These three steps will set you on the road to that dream body that you craved and wanted.

1. Find out how much you want to lose.

I what mean by this, feel and visualise what it would like when you have that dream body right now. You have to really feel this in this moment. When you get thoughts like, I can’t do it, it is so hard to lose weight or I am not good enough. Change those thoughts to, I can lose it, I can lose weight quickly and easily and I am perfect and all is good coming to me. Even write these down and put them where you can see them through out the day.

2. be happy now

If you are not happy with your self now you will never be happy with your self, even if you lose the weight. This is another reason why diets do not work! You may lose the weight with a dieting but if you are not happy, you will never be happy even if you have a perfect slim body. If you go to weigh in I bet you look around and say to yourself, “why is she/he here, they nothing to lose”, however in their world they think they are over weight and are unhappy. We are all different.
So be grateful and happy right now for what you have and you will get more of what you are focusing on.

3. Believe and take action.

You have to believe that you can do it, with out any doubt. But if you are doing the first to two steps this will not be problem, it will just come naturally, as you are happy and grateful in this moment. In this moment is where you make the changes.

Now action! Ahhhhhh! This does mean it has to be a chore. Remember you are feeling happy and grateful in this moment so what ever you choose you will be happy with it. All you have to do take a little action towards your dream goal and each time you reach a little goal really feel proud of yourself and move on to the next small goal. And keep feeling happy and grateful for what you have.

I really hope that this helps you to lose weight. I know you can do it, I believe in you!
If you only do one thing I would say feel good NOW! If you do this one small thing you will have changes in your life. Good Luck!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Why Diets Do Not Work

While researching for information that can help you lose weight and keep it off we found a fantastic eBook called 'Thinking your way thin - The Psychology of Weight Loss' by Dr Lavinia Rodriguez. It has some fantastic pieces of advice, techniques and explanations to help you understand why diets do not work. The information which stood out most to me was:

The main things wrong with most diets from our brain’s perspective are:

Unrealistic Expectations – for example, a diet might tell you that you can lose 20 pounds in two weeks.

Rigid Rules – for example, you might be told exactly what you can and cannot eat while on the diet.

Eliminate Foods – you might be told, for example, that you cannot eat carbohydrates, sweets, or your favorite foods.

Have Beginning and End – Why else would people say such things as, “I going to start a diet,” “I just went off my diet,” “I’m going to start a diet on Monday.”

This graphic below helps demonstrate the cycle of why diets do not work further:

Dr Rodriguez then extends upon this further by showing what the brain likes and dislikes:

The Brian Dislikes

Rigidity – such as rigid regulations about what we should eat and not eat, when we should eat, and how we should eat.

Deprivation – such as not being allowed to eat favorite foods

Feeling overwhelmed – such as when our goals seem too large to accomplish (e.g. the thought of having to lose 100 pounds as opposed to losing five pounds).

The Brian Likes

Flexibility – knowing that you can change things whenever you want; thinking of “striving” for something rather than “having to” accomplish it.

Praise – pointing out things done right rather than what has not been done right; being reinforced for effort as well as actions.

Small steps – breaking large goals into small steps and focusing only on each small step before going on to the next.

So by being flexibly, praising yourself and taking small steps you are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off. These 3 point are everything a diet is not; A diet is not Flexible as you must not eat this or that; Praising as when you do not lose as much as 'you thought you should' you berate yourself instead of praising yourself for the amount you did lose; Small steps in a diet do not seem to happen as you have a global goal of losing your weight and working toward it.

The advice I think best works you towards weight lose in a way your brain like is this by David Wolfe:

…just add in good stuff and eventually it will crowd out the bad stuff. It’s so simple and deactivates the mental neurosis we have about diets and what we have to eat.

We hope you have found this post, not only informative, but helpful in you losing weight and keeping it off.

Best wishes

Mindful Mark

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Portion Control for Weight Loss

There are some great techniques to help with weight loss one that we have looked in to recently is portion control.

It the above audio we have some great tips and techniques for you to listen to, alternatively you can read the transcript at our Mind Body Weight Loss website.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Mindful Weight Loss Tips

Mindfulness is fantastic ways to enjoy life in the moment and extend can help you lose weight here are some tips I have found recently which I would like to share with you:

Eat mindfully. Turn off the TV, put away the computer and mobile devices, even put away the book or newspaper. If you eat with any of these things (most people do), eating without them will seem boring. And yet, unless you do this, you are not truly appreciating your food. I like eating my oats (with nuts and berries — see my diet) mindfully, paying attention to each bite. It makes the food taste better, and I eat slowly and with gratefulness.
Leo Babauta

As you know we at Mind Body Weight Loss we love mindful and conscious eating and I love the way it is explained in the above quote.

Wash your bowl. When you’re done eating, wash your dish immediately. Do it while paying full attention to your washing, to the water and suds.
Leo Babauta

This extends upon the mindful eating and can continue in to the washing up, the process of mindfulness can also take place in the purchasing and preparing of the food with thanks for the people who worked to get the food to you.

Block one or more senses. Eat blindfolded, wear earplugs, shower with your eyes closed.

This one sounds like a different way to fully to experience the food you are eating because when one sense is muted the other become more aware and can raise your mindfulness consciousness of the food you are eating.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 4

These Mind Techniques for Weight Loss look at food and our relationship to it.

1. Think yourself out of bad habits. Bad habits with food don’t have to take down your weight loss goals. Instead, use the power of your mind to fight these bad habits. It will take some doing but you can overcome them.

The best two ways we can think of to help you out of bad habits are: 1 - Positive affirmations and 2 - Start adding more good habits whilst doing the bad habit until the bad is overpowered by the good habit.

2. Look at food differently. Food isn’t your enemy or your friend — it’s neutral. Learn to look at food as a source of nourishment rather than a reward or a way to deal with emotions.

Probably best summed up as 'Eat to Live' rather than 'Live to Eat', we can see food as our friend because without food and nutrients we will die. So even unhealthy food will keep us alive longer than no food at all. Though unhealthy food will not keep you alive as long as healthy food.

3. Picture what food is doing for your body. When you look at what you’re eating, picture what that food can do for your body and how the nutrients will help you feel.

Good point imagine and expect the food you are eating will benefit you in the way it suggests. (Please note if it does not suggest health benefits then the food probably does not have any.

4. Allow yourself to eat when you’re hungry. Losing weight should never mean starving yourself. Listen to your body and feed yourself when your body tells you it’s hungry. Just make sure it’s actually hunger and not boredom or thirst you’re giving into. Likewise, stop eating when you are full.

Listen to your body and know the difference between hunger and emotions. Your body communicates to you, if you listen it will guide you in the best direction for the healthiest life. Let me extend on a couple of examples which back this up. When pregnant women get odd cravings the food they crave normally contain the nutrients they are lacking. The next example is of a friend who has low iron, when she craves spinach and chocolate (both high in iron), she checks her iron levels, every time check get this craving she now knows because she listens. So listen to your body, it will guide you.

5. Eat foods you crave. You can have foods you crave while you’re trying to lose weight if you can do so in moderation. Keeping things totally off limits could cause you to binge.

Point 4 is similar to 5, however this point does highlight that totally avoiding things you like is the wrong way to go because you and your mind will focus on it more.

6. Be conscious. Always be aware of what you’re eating. Eating mindlessly while watching TV can lead to a lot of unwanted and unneeded calories.
Source -

We at Mind Body Weight Loss love the concept of mindful or conscious eating it just makes so much sense to focus on and appreciate your food. Two Posts we have done on this recently are: 'How to Eat Consciously' and 'The Five Contemplations While Eating'.

If you have not already done so, please sign up to eNewsletter for some fantastic Free Weight Loss Goodies, Information, Advice and Tips.

Read more in this series:
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 1
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 2
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 3

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Hungry For Change - Weight Loss Documentary

This amazing weight loss documentary will, like it did with me, change your relationship with food forever and help you not only lose weight and keep it off.

We reviewed the Hungry for Change documentary a little while back and it is truly quite an amazing documentary, it is a bit like 'The Secret' but the Weight Loss and Healthy eating version.

It has lots of really interesting facts and fantastic expert speakers including Jon Gabriel who lost over 200lb and kept it off.

Please check this DVD out and let us know your views and comments.

Speak soon

Mindful Mark

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The 80% principle for Weight Loss

Here is a nice theory we have just found that we would like to share with you. Have you heard of the saying "20% of the people do 80% of the work." There seems to be correlation of the 80/20 rule through out life. It is called the Pareto principle and it seems that it is also the case for weight loss.

We have already discuss the Hara Harachi Bu Method which means eating until you are 80% full. However this can be extended into choosing to eat healthy food 80% percent of the time as this quote demonstrates:

Moderation is the key to sustaining weight loss over the long term.

As I am sure you are aware that we at Mind Body Weight Loss are purely about losing weight and keeping it off and this weight loss principle seems like a great way to do it.

If you would like to receive more information from us please sign up for our newsletter in the top right of this page.

Take care and speak soon.


Monday, 5 August 2013

Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 3

This third part of 'Mind Techiques for Weight Loss' focuses on Motivation, because as Can Do Craigs say you can know all the tips, techniques and methods but if you are not motivated it will not happen. Though after reading this you will hopefully be more motivated and able to achieve your goals.

1. Pick out a motivational photograph. Whether you want to look more like you did 20 years ago or have the physique of someone else you admire, choose a photograph you can look at when you’re struggling to help keep yourself motivated.

A good tip, however we would recommend that it is someone else rather than yourself in the past because we need to have a forward focusing vision of something to move too. So look around and see who you can find. Remember that this goal must be a SMART goal.

2. Set smaller daily goals. While your larger goals are important, focusing on smaller, individual goals will give you more of a sense of accomplishment and change your mindset on a daily basis.

So true, this psychology is used in all aspects of life to achieve bigger goals. The best two examples are Tennis and Will Smiths example of building a wall. In Tennis the theory is to focus purely on winning each point and the games, sets and matches will take care of themselves. In a great video (at 3min 4secs) Will Smith explains how, if building a wall, you should only concentrate on laying the brick as perfectly as you can, then repeat over and over, in the end you have the best wall or house. From this mind technique weight loss is no different, focus on your next consumption of food and only the next consumption of food, nothing else, make that next piece of food the health and best for your body you can. There is no need to think of the bigger picture that will take care of its self.

3. Use support from friends. There are few things that can change how you feel about yourself and your progress like motivation from friends around you.

There is no rule that says you have do this on your own, you can share this journey with your friends.

4. Reward yourself. When you’ve worked really hard for something it’s only fair to reward yourself. Give yourself an indulgence, though not a food-related one, that you’ve really been wanting.

The basic of behaviour management is that if you reward a behaviour it is more likely to be repeated, so rewarding yourself when you do something good is a fantastic piece of advice.

5. Tell yourself you can do it. Change your mindset about weight loss by constantly reminding yourself that no matter how hard it is that you can and will do it.

Positive affirmations are a great way to tell yourself that you can do it and change your mindset to a 'can do attitude'. The best book we can recommend for positive affirmations is 'I can do it' by Louise L Hay. It has some great affirmations and tips which you can use.

6. Never stop thinking about your goals. Keeping your goals in mind throughout the day will help motivate you and keep you on the right track.

Focusing on what want rather than what you do not want is genius and exactly the right way to go. The Law of Attraction states 'What you think about comes about'. So thinking about what you don't want attracts more of it, so please concentrate on focusing on what you do want.

7. Surround yourself with good role models. You won’t do yourself any favors when you’re trying to lose weight if you surround yourself with people who practice bad habits and influence you to do so as well. Spend time with friends who motivate you to be healthy instead.

We learn from our environment and those people around us, so it makes sense to put our self in places and around others who will support our goals. This can be done by joining clubs of activities you like doing because if you have one thing in common it is likely you may have others.

8. Have a mantra. Finding your own personal weight loss mantra can be a great way to help keep yourself positive and focused on your goals.

Mantras are brilliant, mine is "I trust in the process of life to bring me my highest good" which I read in another of Louise L Hays books called "You can heal your life". It is worth finding your own which connects with you on some level.

9. Look at the bright side. Setbacks don’t have to ruin your motivation for weight loss. Instead, think of them as a chance to work harder and prove your commitment to your goals.

My mantra helps with that, it may help you too. However every set back has a lesson and as long as you do not lose the lesson you are one step closer to achieving your goal.

10. Create a map to your health and happiness. Spending some time laying out your goals, collecting photos that motivate you, and planning out your steps along the way can help make process easier, more real and something you’re more motivated to do every day.

This reminds me of the acronym P.P.P.P.P which stands for Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Read more in this series:
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 1
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 2
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 4

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Turn Off the TV Weight Loss Tip

Eating whilst distracted stops you listening to your body and the messages it is sending to your brain. So you do not hear the message that you are full, therefore eating more than you need to survive.

Studies show that we eat around 40 percent more when watching TV and we’re more likely to eat junk food while distracted.

WOW! 40% is a staggering amount more. This sounds like a weight loss tip to at least try.

Speak soon, take care and turn off that TV!

Mindful Mark

p.s if you are eating and watching TV you are much more likely to eat junk food than healthy food!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Blue Plate Weight Loss Tip

Studies have shown that eating of a blue plate encourages you to eat less.

In one study participants were placed in different colored rooms to eat. In the blue-colored room they ate over 30 percent fewer calories. In another study blue food coloring was added to food and resulted in fewer calories consumed

This psychology is also use against us to make us eat more as the quote below shows.

"Ever wonder why McDonald’s color scheme is yellow and red? “We are naturally drawn to red, yellow and orange in our dining area or restaurants because psychologically it stimulates us to want to eat"

Interestingly Orange is the complete opposite colour on the color will to blue.

One of the suggestions why it is felt that blue encourages us to eat less is that in nature, other than blueberries, there are very few natural blue food which are good for us. Some are even poisonous so through evolution we have learnt to consume less blue food.

Mindful Mark

Friday, 2 August 2013

You Choose!

OK! Do you really want to lose weight? Yes of course I bloody do! Why would I be reading this if I did not want to lose weight!

Well we all make choices through the day that will help us lose weight or put on weight. Here are some examples ….

You choose to THINK that you are not good enough

You choose to Eat and drink fatty foods

You choose not to exercise

You Choose to THINK fat thoughts

I think you get the general idea, YOU CHOOSE!

So how can I change?

Do not think about losing weight! Think about when you have lost weight!

Now this is how it works. You have to imagine that it is real in this moment. All changes are made in this moment!

Now imagine yourself on a beach with your fantastic body taking the rays of the sun and getting that deep golden tan. Feel it! I mean Really Feel it! feel good and feel gratitude for having this body.

You can do this! it might take practice but I believe you can do it. All you have to do is make that choice to change. YOU CHOOSE! No excuses!

Can Do Craig.

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