

Monday, 30 September 2013

Healing Food

In an interesting article discussing Healing Food really got me thinking. Mark Hyman discusses his trip to China which confirmed his belief that Food is the best medicine.

After 20 years of practice, treating thousands of patients with chronic illnesses, I recognized, yet again, that the most powerful tool in my toolkit is food. Not surgery, not medication. What I saw in China is what I have been teaching my patients for decades: to literally eat their medicine and heal through food.
However, the notion that food is anything other than calories for energy and sustaining life is foreign to most Westerners.
Source -

This is perhaps the key to our weight issues as a western culture, we generally see food as a treat and something we deserve and then start trying to reduce our calories to lose weight. If we could change our food mindset from 'Live to Eat' into 'Eat to Live' as the Chinese do we can live a longer, healthier and happier life with those we love.

The point of taking ownership of our life and health by developing the mindset of food as the best medicine to keep us alive for the longest period of time is one we at Mind Body Weight Loss fully support. This will be the basis of our Mind Body Weight Loss Product which is currently in it's early stages of being developed.

Another method of how the Chinese have demonstrated a way that we can take control of our health is when we visit the doctors . The difference is that we generally go to the doctors when we are poorly and ask them to make us better, which is giving our power away. In Chinese traditional medicine people visit there Doctors and ask 'How can I stay healthy?', which is self empowerment at its best. This is the type of mindset we at Mind Body Weight Loss are looking to help you foster. Until this time when our product has been developed you may want to checkout these alternatives, which are quite different but do help you focus on you weight loss mindset:

Taking ownership and viewing food as a fantastic source to stay healthy with the by product of losing weight is a fantastic way to change our perception to food and life in general. This new way of thinking can really extend our motivation too because its focus is on empowering us to stay alive as long as possible to be with the ones we love.

Take care and speak soon
Mindful Mark

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Some Weight Loss Thoughts

Here are some weight loss thoughts to get you thinking.

Don't do it to impress someone else. Do it to satisfy yourself - Click to Tweet

Now that I eat healthy, when I see the fake, processed foods that I used to eat, it makes me feel sick. - Click to Tweet

Eat. Energize - Click to Tweet

Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet - Click to Tweet

If you want to be sad live in the past. If you want to be anxious live in the future. If you want to be peaceful live in the now - Click to Tweet

Running helps slow the aging process of the human body mentally & physically. - Click to Tweet

Every small achievement will soon be one amazing success - Click to Tweet

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 2

Hello and welcome to this the second part of Zen Weight Loss Tips. I hope you find these as helpful as the first part:

Tell people around you what you’re doing. This will keep you motivated to continue. Don’t ask for their support, but say “I’m on this new thing where I’m going to kick my butt at the gym/road/bike today and” whatever.

As Can Do Craig says knowing what to do is only the first part actually getting up and doing it is the main part as with out this nothing will get done. So the above tip is a great one.

Weigh yourself but also take your measurements. Sometimes your scale won’t budge but your waistline will.

This is a very good point as you may feel because you have not lose weight you are not succeeding but your waistline says something else. This reminds me of an Einstein quote "...If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid."

Focus on one thing at a time. Everything we do is based on habits. If you’ve got to both get into the habit of eating great AND exercising daily, you run a big risk of getting overwhelmed when you’re not seeing results or you slip a little.

This weight loss tip is about being kind to ourselves, taking one step at a time. 'Every journey start with the first step' is something I hear over and over again and it is true because you are still going to lap the person who hasn't started. If you are kind to yourself and take it in gradual steps you are more like like to reach your weight loss destination. Think of the story of the tortoise and the hare.

Focus on health and NOT weight loss. It is far more important that you live a happy, healthy life than look good naked. You’ll thank yourself when you are 80 and still lead an active life.

I could not agree with this more as I discussed in a recent post called 'Good Health a Great Way to Live' that living healthy means we can spend more time on this planet with our family, friends and loved ones, the side effect of living healthy is that we will most probably lose weight with out any neurosis about but focus on our health and the one we love.

I hope you like this second part of the Zen Weight Loss Tips, the third part will be with you soon.

If you would like to learn more you can check out the other parts in this series:
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 1
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 3
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 4

Best Wishes
Mindful Mark

Friday, 27 September 2013

Good Health a Great Way to Live

Today I would just like to share a quick quote which moved me and really made me thing and clarify a belief of Good Health a Great Way to Live.

The quote is this:

"Good health is simply the slowest way a human being can die."
author unknown
It moved me for 2 reason one is the realisation that, as much as we may not want to, we are all going to die. We can see this all around us there is nobody alive today who was born 150 years ago. From this we work out that we are only here for a limited time only. There is nothing we can do about it. However from the quote above shares with us that with good health we can slow the dying process down. And surely slowing down so we can spend more time on this planet with the ones we love and care is great thing to do. I say this for the reason of motivation because with good health comes our optimum healthy weight. Our weight loss can just be a by product of living healthy to spend more time with our family, friends and others. So please consider this as option, stop focusing on weight loss and concentrate on being healthy and dieing (no I did not miss the 't' out of dieting, I said dieing) as slowly as possible.

Some of the best way we can get health and slow down our dieing process is by reading these blog posts:

I hope you found this post thought provoking and made you think about weight loss in a different way and motivated you to try to live in a healthy and lose weight as a by product of a healthy lifestyle to live longer.

Kind regards
Mindful Mark

p.s. If you wanted read more about living a longer life, I found the above quote in the above on this website.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 1

Today I would like to share with you some great zen weight loss tips that I have found on Zen Habits. This first part of the tips I am going to share with you today. Keep checking over the next few days for even more.

Don’t try to lose weight. The number one indicator of excessive weight gain in the future is attempting to lose weight in the past. Don’t diet, it won’t last. Instead get up and go get more exercise.

Interestingly in hypnotherapy 'try' presuppose failure. and as the yoda once said 'Do or Do Not there is not try'

Never, never, never eat between the 3 main meals. Then eat what you want when it is time to eat.

This is very interesting and is very much a buddhist perspective, which we discussed in more detail in this post.

Avoid processed food, or at least food where you can’t pronounce the ingredients. Keep it as natural as possible.

Bang on there are so many tips that evolve around this premise, one is 'Eat Less CRAP, Eat More FOOD' the others you can read more in the post we did recently called - 'Good Food to Eat for Weight Loss'

For people who want to lose 100+ pounds, dealing with the underlying issues of self medicating depression or anxiety is going to be a lot more effective then anything else. Feeling bad about being fat and trying to lose weight, or putting yourself in exercise situations you don’t feel comfortable in are not going to really help until the underlying issues of using food to treat boredom or anxiety or depression. After treating this underlying problem, the good habits will come without nearly so much struggle.
This is so true a recent study of Psychologist concluded that Emotions were the biggest block to weight loss. With this in mind we created three posts which could help you - 'Emotions and Weight Loss', 'Emotions and Weight Loss Technique' and 'Guilt and Weight Loss '

If you would like to learn more you can check out the other parts in this series:
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 2
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 3
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 4

Take care and speak soon

Mindful Mark

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Keys to Unlock Your Weight Loss

Please listen to this audio below sharing some keys to unlock your weight loss.

It shares different ways which can have a huge impact of the way you could lose weight. If you would prefer to read the transcript, you can do so at the Mind Body Weight Loss website.

Take care.

Mindful Mark

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Weight Loss Mental Strategies

The Weight Loss Mental Strategies can help you move towards your weight loss goals, They were developed by Pamela Peeke, MD for her book 'Fit to Live'.

Picture Yourself Thin.
As Dr Peeke says "To break old habits, you need to see yourself in a positive light,"

This is a great strategy and over on our website we have a fantastic tool to help with this which lets you upload a picture of yourself and adapt the image so you can look at your ideal weight. This is a great tool to help you visualise yourself thin, why not give it a go.

Have Realistic Expectations.

One great suggestion here is to have a goal to aim for Dr Peeke suggests looking 12 months ahead and ask yourself how much you would like to have lost. If the answer is 12lbs you then know you have to lose 1lb a month. You then analyse to see if this is realistic.

Set Small Goals.
A little like the goal above break it in to small steps, one small goal could be to add an extra piece of healthy food to each days food routine. This would then fit in with what we at Mind Body Weight Loss feel is the Best Weight Loss Tip Ever!

Cynthia Sass, MS from the American Dietetic Association states: "We all know that change is hard and it is especially difficult if you try to make too many changes, so start small and gradually make lifestyle improvements"

Get Support.
One way you can do this is to sign up to our eNewsletter to receive 3 Free eBooks and regular weight loss news and tips from Can Do Craig and Mindful Mark your Mind Body Weight Loss Support Team. Just an idea ;-)

Ditch Old Habits.

In our post about NLP and how it can help, it was concluded that NLP is a fantastic tool at helping us change our habits. You can learn more in our post called: 'Now NLP Helps Weight Loss'

You can also learn more about Mental strategies in Dr Pamelas book called 'Fit to Live' or you can look at the WebMD site for more on Weight Loss Strategies.

We hope you found this post helpful.

Kind regards
Mindful Mark

Monday, 23 September 2013

How NLP Helps Weight Loss

This post help you learn how NLP helps with Weight Loss. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed as tool that any one can use to help the get their mind in shape for new patterns and behaviours. It was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970 who realised that if one person can acheive something a model can be created for somebody else to achieve the same goal. NLP helps people to do this by understanding each persons best style of communication, either Auditory, Kinesthetic and Visual. This way NLP can help remove limiting beliefs and help you develop new behaviours that help you lose weight.

Please listen to this audio for which can be helpful in aiding your understand further.

If you are interested in NLP and would like further information on products that use and can help you lose weight you checkout ‘The Weight Loss Attitude‘ uses NLP  and ‘Weight Loss Hypnosis Pro‘ which uses some NLP techniques along with Hypnosis.

Take Care and Speak Soon
Mindful Mark

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Quote that Shows The Importance of Food

Following on from the post on the 'Importance of Food' I have just found this quote which helps demonstrate it further.
"Homicide is 0.8% of deaths. Diet-related death is over 60%. But no one talks about it."
Jamie Oliver Click to Tweet
So as we have said before, by eating the correct food and diet we can extend our life and spend more time with the ones we love. We can do this by following some of the tips from food expert Michael Pollan. The best part of eating healthy to extend our life is that we lose weight as a side benefit. It is abit of a Win-Win if you ask me.

Speak soon
Can Do Craig

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Text and SMS for Weight Loss

We have just found a really interesting video about how you can receive 3 text/sms a day that motivate and inspire your weight loss. This video helps explain it further.

Learn more about this by visiting the 'Texts That Melt Fat' website.

We hope you found it helpful.

Take care
 Can Do Craig and Mindful Mark

Friday, 20 September 2013

Mind Body Weight Loss Tips

Always stop eating while you’re still a little hungry to make sure you don’t stuff yourself.

Learn to tell physical hunger from emotional hunger to help you eat only when you’re really hungry.

Don’t compare yourself to other people. Some people lose weight faster than others. Your only competition is with yourself.

Don’t starve yourself as this can have a bad effect on your metabolism.

Don’t eat in front of the TV. This is mindless eating and you will never be aware of how much you really eat.

Don’t eat when you’re stressed out or bored. It can lead to overeating.

Eat fresh food, not processed or pre-made dishes.

Exercise the Hara Hachi Bu principle and never eat until you’re totally full. Always eat until you’re about 80% full.

This list, are in our opinion at Mind Body Weight Loss, the best from along list of 70 other weight loss tips but as you can see above we do believe that getting your mind in shape is the best way to get your body in shape too. So please explore the links within the list above to learn more.

Kind regards
Mindful Mark

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Good Food to Eat for Weight Loss

Michael Pollan the author of Food Rules has some fantastic tips for Good Food to Eat for Weight Loss, some of which I am going share with you below:

"Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food."
Click to Tweet

"Avoid food products containing ingredients that no ordinary human would keep in the pantry."
Click to Tweet

"Avoid food products that contain more than five ingredients."
Click to Tweet

"Avoid foods you see advertised on television."
Click to Tweet

"Eat only foods that will eventually rot."
Click to Tweet

All of his points are best summed in Michaels most famous tip :

"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
Click to Tweet

If you would like to learn more about each of these tips please check out the amazing book called 'Food Rules'. It will really make you think and can make a fantastic different to your health and as a result your weight.

Take care and speak soon.

Can Do Craig

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Emotions and Weight Loss Technique

As we found out in our post Emotions and Weight Loss, Psychologists believe that emotion is the biggest block to losing weight. With this in mind Michael J Hadfield, in his book Lose Weight Without Diets, shares a great technique to start understand how your emotions are affecting you achieving your weight loss goals. You just need to get a notebook to record your feelings. This is how he suggests you do it:

Whenever you have the desire to eat when it is not mealtime…
  • Make a note of what you are feeling on a scale
  • 0…1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10
  • And how bad, or good, it is.
  • Then eat whatever you want
  • 10 minutes later check how you feel
  • Bloated…uncomfortable…not nice full…nice full…comfortable…nothing…empty

First of all just begin to notice whatever feelings or emotions are present whenever you get the urge to eat – especially when you are planning to snack and going through that mental should I, shouldn’t I, which we all know is going to end with you giving in to the urge, so why not save yourself the hassle and just eat.

Please let us know how you get on with this technique as we believe it has great potential in you achieving your Mind Body Weight Loss.

Kind regards

Mindful Mark

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Emotions and Weight Loss

An interesting study asked Psychologists the biggest issue that stops people losing weight. The most popular answer was emotions.

emotions play a central role and may be the primary obstacle to weight loss.
Have you ever felt guilty after eating a cookie and then decided to eat the whole box, since you’d already blown your diet? Have you felt low and skipped exercise? Then you’ve experienced emotions interfering with your weight loss.
Source - psych central

So dealing with our mind is the key to weight loss and guilt seems be the key emotion we have to deal with. A post we did a little while back helps with this, it is called - Guilt and Weight Loss.

So lets get our mind in gear to lose weight - you can start with this free eReport about emotions from a guy who lost over 220lbs!

You can also sign up for our eNewletter or read post on this blog or visit our website for more information.

Speak soon

Mindful Mark

Monday, 16 September 2013

Behaviours That Stop You Losing Weight

David Meine a qualified hypnotherapist and author of 'Think: Use Your Mind to Shrink Your Waistline' believes there are 10 behaviors that keep people from losing weight and/or getting healthy.
  1. Not consistently getting a good night’s sleep
  2. Not dealing with stress appropriately
  3. Not being able to visualize having your ideal body shape
  4. Allowing sabotage from yourself and others
  5. Not drinking enough water
  6. Eating too infrequently
  7. Eating quickly
  8. Eating until (or past) full
  9. Eating and drinking too much sugar
  10. Lacking the motivation to create a healthy body shape through consistent exercise.
These are really helpful suggestions for behaviours to change and we have various post on host you can change these behaviours. By clicking the links above you can see our post which will help you change the behaviour and work towards your weight loss goal.

Take care and speak soon.

Mindful Mark

    Sunday, 15 September 2013

    Our Relationship with Food

    Learn about why our relationship with food is so important and what our philosophy could become to enable us to lose weight.

    We hope you found it helpful and if you can read the transcript for the audio on our Mind Body Weight Loss website.

    Saturday, 14 September 2013

    Myths and Facts About Weight Loss

    These six points help clarify the facts about losing weight, we hope you find them helpful.


    Myth Not having breakfast encourages your body to burn fat
    Fact Thin people eat breakfast; fat people don’t‘


    Myth If you eat healthily all week, it’s fine to treat yourself at weekends
    Fact Even after five days of restraint, two days of freestyle carbicide will make you gain weight


    Myth Diet drinks have no calories so they won’t impact on weight
    Fact People who drink diet drinks are fatter than those who don’t

    4 - ‘BUT IT’S HEALTHY’

    Myth I can eat as much healthy food as I like
    Fact Healthy food can be moreish, leading to overeating

    5 - FAT PHOBIA

    Myth Avoid fat if you want to lose weight
    Fact Successful dieters get 30 per cent of their daily calories from fat

    6 - DIETS, full stop

    Myth Diets work for long-term weight loss
    Fact Ninety per cent of yo-yo dieters don’t keep the weight off

    Friday, 13 September 2013

    Celebrities Who Use Hypnosis to Lose Weight

    Hypnotherapy is a great way to help anyone lose weight, and although the rich and famous use it, hypnosis is easily accessible to everyone. Celebrities who use Hypnosis to Lose Weight vary quite alot but they all seem to get great results and a new healthy mind set with their food.

    The most famous people thought to have used Hypnotherapy for weight loss are:

    • The Duchess of York - Sarah Ferguson used it to help control eating patterns
    • Geri Halliwell -  The Ex Spice Girl had struggled with eating pattern prior to using hypnosis
    • Courtney Love - Courtney states "I lost weight last year the old fashioned way by dieting but it is hard to stay disciplined" So she now see Paul McKenna to help her keep the weight off.
    • Sophie Dahl - The model used hypnotherapy to help her go from a size 16 to size 10, again with the help of hypnotherapist Paul McKenna.
    • Orlando Bloom -  As a child he used hypnotherapy to lose weight, get in shape and overcome his addiction to chocolate.
    • Lilly Allen - The singer learnt to develop a healthy relationship with food and lost weight. Susan Hepburn Lilly's Hypnotherapist says "I can't stand diets. They don't work. They mess you up. What I do isn't a diet. It's just a way of putting thoughts in a person's mind. If you want to exercise and or make healthy choices, I sinply put that into your subconscious mind. I make you believe you can do it."
    If you would like to use hypnotherapy to help you lose weight you can look to either find a hypnotherapist in your area, use a book, DVD or use this product called - Weight Loss Hypnosis Pro.

    Thursday, 12 September 2013

    Fuel in Car - Weight Loss Metaphor

    Metaphors are fantastic ways to help us look at a subject in a slightly different way by applying one of life's function to another. In this case linking the fuel in the car to a healthy lifestyle in which we can lose weight.

    Think of the body like a well oiled machine, like a car, all parts working in harmony with each other, each knowing their function and performing it well. Imagine this beautiful machine at it's very best, being looked after and cared for. If you start to mistreat the machine, giving it low grade fuel, letting it sit idle for a while imagine how this can impact the machine. continue to see the beauty in your machine and feed it the oil it needs and take it out for a zip now and again.
    Source - Metaphor Examples

    Metaphors can be a powerful way of encouraging the subconscious mind to think in a new way and help us lose weight and keep it off.

    I will share more weight loss metaphors with you all over the coming weeks.

    Take care.

    Mindful Mark

    Wednesday, 11 September 2013

    Supporting, Not Shaming, People to Lose Weight

    A recent study has shown that shaming people into weight loss does not help and in effect makes the whole situation worse.

    Psychologist and researcher from theFlorida State University College of Medicine Angelina Sutin, states:

    “Weight discrimination, in addition to being hurtful and demeaning, has real consequences for the individual’s physical health,”
    source -

    Support is the key with kindness and compassion, as we know from previous post 'Weight Loss and Guilt' does not work in aiding weight loss.

    Rebecca Puhl, deputy director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University makes a really interesting point regarding the psychology of weight loss and how the best way to lose weight:

    Moving forward, she hopes that research like this can help public health campaigns “shift focus from just a number on the scale” to a conversation focusing more on individual health. “We want people to engage healthy behaviors, regardless of their body size.”
    source -

    This is the key that we at Mind Body Weight Loss keep saying that to lose weight work on the mind and the body will follow and the best way to change your behaviour is through some of the mind techniques we share on this blog and our website.

    The puts it like this:

    "Please stop making us eat your words. They are very… fattening."

    Which is a very succinct way of saying support me don't berate me. It is not tough love it is just unkind, Love, Kindness, Compassion and Support is needed not hurtful words as demonstrated below by Sarah Johnson illustrations.

    I hope you found this helpful and can now share with those around you the best way to support you, if not sign up to eNewletter and we will send lots of information to support to get your new healthy behaviours on track.

    Take care and speak soon.

    Mindful Mark

    Tuesday, 10 September 2013

    Non Judgement

    Please be kind to yourself during your weight loss journey.

    I found a really interesting quote today which helped me realise why this is important:

    As rain falls equally on the just and the unjust, do not burden your heart with judgements but rain your kindness equally on all.

    How I interpret this is to be kind to yourself through out your weight loss journey as this ensures that a happy path towards your destination is walked rather than one of upset.

    The scales of justice is quite an apt image for weight loss because we need a balanced mind and approach to our weight loss.

    Louise L Hay states "To spend our time berating ourselves for being too heavy, to feel guilty about every bite of food we eat, to do all the numbers we do on ourselves when we gain weight, is just a waste of time."

    If we come from point of loving and accepting exactly as we are then we do not need to blame or judge our self. 

    Kind regards

    Mindful Mark

    Monday, 9 September 2013

    Why Diets Will Not Work

    Listen to Can Do Craig explain why diets will not work. This is something, we at Mind Body Weight Loss and Can Do Craig are especially passionate about.

    You can read the transcript for this audio on our website.

    Kind regards

    Mindful Mark

    Sunday, 8 September 2013

    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 4

    This final part of how 'Thinking Will Make You Thinner' will conclude the 16 new thought patterns which can help you not only lose weight but hopefully keep it off forever!

    1. This is just 1 day out of my 365 day year – I can cope with it. tomorrow will be easier.
    Chunking anything in to smaller sections is a great way to achieve bigger goals. Focus on completing each minute and the hours, days, months and years will take care of themselves. In the book the 'Inner Game of Tennis' it is suggested that a player should 100% concentrate on winning each point. If they do this successfully the games, sets and match will take care of itself.
    2. If I don’t take care of my weight and health – there are a lot of doctor’s and others who will gladly take my money to do it for me.
    I love this thought, we need to take total responsibility for our health and if we don't nobody else will. By us taking total owner ship of our health we can manage the food we eat and help us live a longer more healthy life enabling us to spend more time with our family because we don't die as early as we would have had we not taken care of our health.
    3. I never tell myself I am quitting – I only say: ” I’m taking a break, or vacation day today.   It stops me from thinking it is all over.  I acknowledge it is just a temporary break. Then I do not have to feel guilty over it.
    We have done a couple of posts on this recently that cover this exact point the first is 'Weight Loss Motivation - Don't Quit' and the other is 'Guilt and Weight Loss'.
    4. When I get to my goal weight – I am treating myself to a spa! and pretend I am “Oprah for a day” (:  She is only the richest woman in America ( at least as of this writing)    Won’t you feel rich when you are at your goal weight and feeling your best?
    Setting a reward for achieving any goal is great way on motivating yourself so what is your reward going to be?

    We hope you found this final part of how 'Thinking That Will Make You Thinner' helpful please checkout other in this series:

    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 1
    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 2
    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 3

    Take care and speak soon.

    Mindful Mark

    The source of these thoughts for weight loss come from our friends at

    Saturday, 7 September 2013

    Heal Your Fat With Your Thoughts

    We have mentioned Louise L, Hay a few times before on this blog because she is an amazing person and has a vast amount of experience in helping people not only love themselves but to heal their body and life too. Recently I was reading 'Heal Your Body' to help heal a sore throat (Yes it did help and I happy to say now better.) I came across a really interesting section in the book which shared Louise L. Hays thoughts on why we may be fat on certain parts of our body. She then lists the 'Probable Causes' and suggests a new 'Thought Pattern' to overcome the probable causes. My suggestion to you is NOT to buy the 'Heal Your Body' book, but to instead purchase the 'You Can Heal Your Life' book because it includes the Heal Your Body book as its final chapter and the rest of the book is amazing at helping you learn to love yourself and life in general.

    So back to what Louise L. Hays suggest the 'Probable Causes' and 'New Thought Patterns' are to help overcome Weight Loss. The suggestion is that you repeat to yourself over and over the new thought pattern and it will help you achieve your goal and overcome your problem.

    Problem: Overweight:

    Probable Cause: Fear, need for protection, Running away from feelings, Insecurity, Self Rejection, Seeking Fulfillment.

    New Thought Pattern: I am at peace with my own feeling. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

    Problem: Fat

    Probable Cause: Oversensitivity. Often represents fear and shows a need for protection. Fear may be a cover for hidden anger and a resistance to forgive.

    New Thought Pattern: I am protected by Divine Love. I am always safe and secure. I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive others and I now create my own life. I forgive others and I now create my own life the way I want it. I am safe.

    Problem: Belly Fat

    Probable Cause: Anger at being denied nourishment.

    New Thought Pattern: I nourish myself with spiritual food and I am satisfied and free.

    Louise L. Hay also goes on to explain the 'Probable Causes' and 'New Thought Patterns' for Arm Fat, Hip Fat, Thigh Fat as well as many other forms of illnesses and ailments, Louise herself hails this method as a successful part of her strategy to overcome Cancer.

    Now I know this method may not be for everybody and it may bring up alot of strong feelings against it and that is fine. If so this method may not be for you. However if like me, you believe there is something in this strategy then give it ago. What have you got to lose? Nothing except the fat and weight you want to lose already.

    Please comment below as I would love to hear your views on this post.

    Take care and speak soon

    Mindful Mark

    Friday, 6 September 2013

    Controlling Weight Loss With Your Mind

    Controlling weight loss with your mind is possible, recently I have been reading alot on how you can control pain with your mind and there are many fantastic techniques which are very effective and can be adapted to help with weight loss.

    The technique I would like to share with you today is called the 'mind control panel'. It is clear from many years of research and deep philosophical thinking that everything we do comes from our brain or minds. The Buddha sums it up like this:

    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought"

    The 'Control Panel' visualisation extends upon this.  Each and every person has a mind that control everything they do either consciously or subconsciously. This makes the brain the control centre of the body. Working from this point I have a fantastic visualisation for you.

    • Close your eyes and imagine yourself shrinking down and entering your body.
    • Make your way to your brain.
    • Once in your brain you may start to become aware of the control room around you.
    • With in the control room there is a control panel, have look around until you see it.
    • When you find it you may notice all the dials, switches and levers.
    • As you explore the control panel you begin to look for the controls for your weight loss
    • The controls will enable you to set your weight loss settings.
    • Play with all the weight loss controls until you are happy that your mind is set to support you to become a healthy weight. 
    • Once you are done setting your minds weight loss settings you can imagine yourself leaving your body and coming back to how you were before this exercise except now with a mind set fully to its weight loss mode.
    • Knowing that anytime you need you can repeat this exercise to tweak any settings you feel you may need to keep your weight loss on track.

    or you can listen to this visualisation:

    Please use this visualisation when you can give it you full attention and not when distracted in anyway. This way you will be safe and get the full results from it.

    I hope you found this helpful. Please comment below on what you think of this exercise as I would love to hear.

    Take care and speak soon.

    Mindful Mark

    Thursday, 5 September 2013

    Weight Loss Motivation - Don't Quit

    Today I wanted to share a couple inspirational writings I have found over the last few days and they are based around the concept of not giving up or quitting.

    The first is a poem by Edgar A. Guest:

    Don't Quit
    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
    When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
    When care is pressing you down a bit,
    Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

    Life is queer with it's twists and turns,
    As everyone of us sometimes learns,
    And many a failure turns about,
    When he might have won had he stuck it out.
    Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
    You may succeed with another blow.

    Success is failure turned inside out,
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems so far,
    So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
    It's when things seem worse,
    That you must not quit.

    Edgar A. Guest

    I love this poem because it helps us accept that things can go wrong and that we have the power to perceive them in any way which we choose, hopefully in a positive way which help us achieve our goals.

    And here are some quotes that have inspired me this week to not give up:

    "You gotta faith it, until you make it"
    Click to Tweet
    Faith can mean alot of things to alot of people but in this case I read it as having faith that every thing will turn out for the best.
    "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” 
    Conrad Hilton Click to Tweet
    Don't stop moving, each morning pledge to move closer to your weight loss goal. Each evening examine in what ways you have got closer.
    “The difference in winning and losing is most often… not quitting.”
    Walt Disney Click to Tweet
    So many people say that they achieved their goal just after the point they thought hardest about quitting so please keep going towards your weight loss goals. Mind over matter.

    If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.
    W. C. Fields Click to Tweet
    I love this quote, it is another ways of saying if one thing does not work try something else until you get what you want.
    You can never quit. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
    Ted Turner Click to Tweet
    Quite harsh but may be, just may be, Ted Turner is on to something. However I would mix this quote with the one above. Because what I think Ted is saying is that if you quit your goal, you will not achieve what you wish, however sometimes when working towards your goal you have to change (or quit) a strategy that is not working and move to one that is going to allow you to achieve your goal. Everything about not quitting, to me at least, should be based around what you want to achieve and working the best strategy for you to get it.

    I hope the post, poem and quotes helped you focus your motivation on to your weight loss goals.

    Best wishes

    Mindful Mark

    Wednesday, 4 September 2013

    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 3

    Here in our third part of thinking that will make you thinner we have 4 more weight loss types of thinking to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

    1. If I eat this S L O W ,  I will really T A S T E it….and enjoy it for what it is – and NOT need more.
    This is what is known as mindful eating and we at Mind Body Weight Loss have written a few blog posts about this topic, two which may help you are; 'Mindful Eating' on our blog and 'How To Eat Consciously' which is on our website.
    2. You can eat whatever you want at tonight’s party – as long as you have exercised the right to do so!
    There is a trade off in this thinking that you need to earn your right to party, I am not sure this is wise thinking. And something you should not need to do if you follow what we at Mind Body Weight Loss believe to be the best weight loss strategy out there.
    3. I know I can do this – if I really WANT to.
    Belief is everything, if you know you can lose weight you are much more likely to do so. This research carried out on hotel maids support this.
    4. What can I do today to make me feel good about myself?
    What a fantastic question to ask our self, it empowers us to take control of our life and goals. One of the best ways to do this is with positive affirmations.

    We hope you found this third part of how 'Thinking That Will Make You Thinner' helpful please checkout other in this series:

    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 1
    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 2
    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 4

    Take care and speak soon.

    Mindful Mark

    The source of these thoughts for weight loss come from our friends at

    Tuesday, 3 September 2013

    Guilt and Weight Loss

    Guilt and weight loss are strongly linked because diets are designed to encourage this feeling. Listen to the audio above or read the transcript on our website to learn.

    Diets do not work because they ask you to take away and deny yourself something you like, so when you have the 'thing' which you should not eat you feel guilty. This 'Weight Loss and Guilt Audio' helps demonstrate what we can do instead, how guilt is not good for us and what we should do instead.

    Guilt is one of the most pointless feelings ever as we are looking back and wishing we could change an event, which we all know is impossible. With this is mind, guilt is destructive and keeps us stuck in suffering and pain. There is another way which is suggested by Buddhists, the experts on ending suffering and we discuss this in the above audio.

    We would love to hear your views on this post.

    Take care and speak soon.

    Mindful Mark

    Monday, 2 September 2013

    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 2

    Lets look at some more ways that we can adjust our thinking to make us thinner.

    1. What is the best alternative I can come up with, right now?
    This works because it come from a point of acceptance of where we are right now and from here we can work out the best journey to our destination because we know our starting point.
    2. I will NOT let chocolate determine my self-esteem.
    You are perfect as you are, this is important to realise. There are just some behaviour we may need to change, like the amount of chocolate. This is a huge difference and a fantastic way to move forward. Check out our post on Love and Acceptance to learn more
    3. My husband is 6’1″ and I am 5’3″ – WHY do I think I could or should eat what he eats?
    A useful perspective to use here is to the Eat to Live rather than Live to Eat. We should try and consume the correct amount to keep us at our most healthy enabling us to live a longer life with our family and friends.
    4. Buffets are intended for you to have choices, not to eat the whole thing!
    So true, the all you can eat buffet mentality is dangerous because of the reasons I mention in point 3. We at Mind Body Weight Loss have discussed this in previous posts called: Hara Hachi Bu - Eat until 80% full

    We hope you found this second part of how 'Thinking That Will Make You Thinner' helpful please checkout other in this series:

    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 1
    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 3
    Thinking That Will Make You Thinner - Part 4

    Take care and speak soon.

    Mindful Mark

    The source of these thoughts for weight loss come from our friends at

    Sunday, 1 September 2013

    Change Your Mind, Change You Body Weight

    An interesting study which backs the view of  how to 'Change Your Mind, Change Your Body Weight'. The research was carried out by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and concludes we are what we think.

    The study looked at the weight, height and BMI of thousands children between the age of 13 and 19. Each participant was then asked about there lifestyle and body image.

    When the children, now 11 years later as adults, were retested the people who felt fat had gained more BMI than those whose did not feel they were fat.(1)

    “Perceiving themselves as fat even though they are not may actually cause normal weight children to become overweight as adults,”
    Source - Koenraad Cuypers, project researcher.(2)

    Quite powerful stuff I think you will agree.We now know that if we change our thoughts we can indeed change our mind and body.

    (1) Norwegian University of Science and Technology. News. 2012.
    (2) Koenraad Cuypers, Kirsti Kvaløy, Grete Bratberg, Kristian Midthjell, Jostein Holmen, and Turid Lingaas Holmen, “Being Normal Weight but Feeling Overweight in Adolescence May Affect Weight Development into Young Adulthood—An 11-Year Followup: The HUNT Study, Norway,” Journal of Obesity, vol. 2012, Article ID 601872, 8 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/601872

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