In an interesting article discussing Healing Food really got me thinking. Mark Hyman discusses his trip to China which confirmed his belief that Food is the best medicine.
After 20 years of practice, treating thousands of patients with chronic illnesses, I recognized, yet again, that the most powerful tool in my toolkit is food. Not surgery, not medication. What I saw in China is what I have been teaching my patients for decades: to literally eat their medicine and heal through food.
However, the notion that food is anything other than calories for energy and sustaining life is foreign to most Westerners.
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This is perhaps the key to our weight issues as a western culture, we generally see food as a treat and something we deserve and then start trying to reduce our calories to lose weight. If we could change our food mindset from 'Live to Eat' into 'Eat to Live' as the Chinese do we can live a longer, healthier and happier life with those we love.
The point of taking ownership of our life and health by developing the mindset of food as the best medicine to keep us alive for the longest period of time is one we at Mind Body Weight Loss fully support. This will be the basis of our Mind Body Weight Loss Product which is currently in it's early stages of being developed.
Another method of how the Chinese have demonstrated a way that we can take control of our health is when we visit the doctors . The difference is that we generally go to the doctors when we are poorly and ask them to make us better, which is giving our power away. In Chinese traditional medicine people visit there Doctors and ask 'How can I stay healthy?', which is self empowerment at its best. This is the type of mindset we at Mind Body Weight Loss are looking to help you foster. Until this time when our product has been developed you may want to checkout these alternatives, which are quite different but do help you focus on you weight loss mindset:
Taking ownership and viewing food as a fantastic source to stay healthy with the by product of losing weight is a fantastic way to change our perception to food and life in general. This new way of thinking can really extend our motivation too because its focus is on empowering us to stay alive as long as possible to be with the ones we love.
Take care and speak soon
Mindful Mark
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