

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 3

Welcome the third part of Zen Weight Loss Tips we hope you are find this series of post helpful.

This section focuses on Healthy eating.

Water water water. It kick-starts your metabolism. Stop drinking soda.
This is such great advice, I think I read somewhere that we are made up of 90% water so drinking it can only be a good thing. Also check out this post which explains what fizzy drinks does to your body it may stop you drinking them, like it did me.

Be mindful of what you are eating. Keep a food journal or diary. Seeing it in writing always gives it weight and helps reveal patterns or triggers.
Eating consciously is a fantastic way to lose weight, with no distractions you can listen to when you are full. Learn how to eat consciously from this post.

 Eat mostly raw fruits, veggies and nuts.
Such a great tip which we at Mind Body Weight Loss love and have a post called 'Eat Less CRAP, Eat More FOOD' which explains more

Cut out sugar.
In the documentary 'Hungry for Change' sugar was compared to cocaine because the sugar plant like the coca plant is good for you. It is just the refining of both products which make them harmful to us as living beings.  Also check out the post title 'Sugar and Obesity' which also has an interesting excerpt from a radio show which explain Sugar and its effect on your body further.

Positive change is easier than negative change. Instead of thinking of foods that are “bad” and that you feel like you need to cut out, think about all the new recipes and foods you will get to try if you start experimenting with more vegetables, more beans, more spices, etc.
Positive change is so much better which why like the Zen Weight Loss Tip above we feel that adding and focusing on healthier foods is a much better way to lose weight. As this blog post called 'Best Weight Loss Tip, Ever! ' helps demonstrate.

If you would like to learn more you can check out the other parts in this series:
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 1
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 2
Zen Weight Loss Tips - Part 4

Take care and speak soon.
Mindful Mark

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