

Monday, 26 August 2013

Learn why dieting will not work, EVER!

You must know I feel very passionate about this!


I thought you'd never ask!

Dieting makes your body think that you are starving, so the more you carry on dieting the more you end up binging. So even if you hit you target weight, your body feels that you have been starving for ages.

So what happens then? 

As you have hit your target weight you body relaxes and goes back onto over eating mode. This is yo yo dieting.

Let me ask you this, do you read stories about how a top celebrity lost 3 stone on a new fantastic diet?

Well I bet you did not know that they have a team going around with them checking what they eat and make sure they exercise, just to make sure they have lost the weight before the January slot photos. Oh yes! don’t forget the big pay check!.

Now! If this new fantastic diet works, why would they need to have this big team around them all the time. You would think it would work without the team! That is what they are selling!

I mean you will not have a team around you. Yes you might go to a class. But it is not the same. So knowing at this even they know that it will not work. You will lose weight but you will not keep it off. THEY KNOW THIS!

Out of a hundred people that will go on a diet, only 5% will keep the weight off.

YES! 5%

So when you think about losing weight stop and think again. Do I really need to do this more than once!  Remember what we say at Mind Body Weight Loss and that is you should lose weight only once and never put it back on.

Just one more point. If these diets work why is obesity going up and up, it should have gone down!

Work with your mind and your body will follow and stay at it weight. The mind is key to weight loss.

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