Control the Controllables is an important life lesson because it includes accepting certain truths, like we can only control so much of what goes on around us. The crux here is that the things we can control can make a huge difference to our lives, so it make sense to only focus on those things.
Here are some questions to make you think about what you can and can not control:
- Can you control the quality of the food your eat?
- Can you control where you eat your food?
- Can you control how much you eat?
- Can you control your emotions?
- Can you control your hunger?
- Can you control the weather?
- Can you control your family and friends?
As you may guess I think most people can control the top five where as the last two you most probably can not control totally, however the weather you can prepare properly for the event nd family and friends you can at least influence.
For example you can influence what others may buy when they go shopping, or you may influence the choice of the restaurant.
Gerry Pritchard The Mental Coach at the New York Red Bulls explains his understanding of control the controllables in relation to soccer. It is really interesting and can be equally applied to weight loss
The part which jumped out at me in the video is the acronym of E.A.R to describe what you need to control the controllables and they are: Effort, Attitude and Response.
So this all comes down to a weight loss attitude of focusing first on the things you can control, then on the ones you can influence and the rest which can't just ignore, prepare for in advance or stay as far away from as you can.
Why not make a list of the things you can control, the things you can not and the thing you can influence.
I hope you found this helpful.
Take care and control those controllables.
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