

Monday, 29 July 2013

Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 1

We love these mind techniques for weight loss below and they are a great way to help you lose weight and keep it off, why not check them out and give them a go?

1. Be patient. Losing weight in any kind of healthy way is going to take time. Give yourself a break and relax, and the weight will come off.

Be patient and kind to yourself you deserve it as much as anyone else.

2. Don’t stress. Stressing about weight loss will likely only make it harder to lose.

This is very true. We recently found an interesting article that demonstrates a way we can change our language to reduce stress. Have a look and let is know how it works for you.

3. Be realistic Setting unrealistic goals for your weight loss isn’t healthy for your body or mind. Get your mind set on more realistic accomplishments and you’ll be happier and healthier.

We hear that any goal set should be smart - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time Based.

4. Create a routine. Success with any weight loss program requires creating a routine and sticking to it in what you eat, when you work out and how you think about your progress.

They say it take 28 days to get in a routine after that it starts to become a habit. 1 month of conscious effort is required.

5. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you aren’t eating enough, you’re eating too much, or you’re pushing yourself too hard.

As we say about mindful and conscious eating, listen to your body to tell you when you are full or are hungry as it already knows the answers, but if you are distracted or stress it can be hard to hear its messages.

6. Use your imagination. Our imaginations are powerful things and you can use yours to picture your body and your life the way you really want it to be.

There is evidence to show that our bodies do not know the difference between what is imagined and what is real, it reacts the same to the action as it does to imagining the action.

7. Take it slow. You cannot expect to change your mindset or your body overnight. Take the process slow and steady for the best results.

We have all heard of quick change, but does it last? We at Mind Body Weight Loss feel that weight loss should be done once and not over and over. If this means losing weight at a slower pace but keeping it off forever that must be worth it.

8. Be honest with yourself. Being honest might be more difficult or more painful, but you cannot move forward in changing your body or how you think about it without facing some hard truths about yourself.

I always say to myself that honesty sets you free, it also gives an acceptance of exactly where you are in your life from which you will then have a solid foundation to build. It is much easier to build from a solid platform than it is from a soft sandy one. Honesty and acceptance gives us that solidity.

9. Find out what you truly want. The reality is that you might not be ready to lose weight or commit yourself to the work that it takes. Find out what you truly want in your life. Knowing that you really, really want to lose weight can be a huge factor in motivating you. Source -

Knowing ones purpose is the key to a happy fulling life. Why not try a visualization of your life 10 years from now, imagine what you would like it to be like. Everything exactly how you want it. This will help show you where you want to go. Also you could read the book "Man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl who was a in a concentration camp and found that developing a purpose is what allow us to be happy and move forward with our life.

 We hope you found this post helpful and interesting, if so please sign up for our eNewsletter to receive lots of Weight Loss goodies as well as information, tips, techniques and offers.

Read more in this series:
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 2
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 3
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 4

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