

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 2

This section of Mind Techniques for Weight Loss focuses on how your mindset can help with weight loss.

1. Always be accountable. There is no one else who is responsible for you losing weight. You have to be accountable for what you eat and how often you work out.

When taking total responsibility for your own action you can feel empowered as you are the master of your own destiny. By taking responsibility you accept that something is not working and you change it to make it better next time. By being accountable you do not look for others to fix you, you pledge to fix yourself by learning new skills and being responsible to action the knowledge for your greater good.

2. Break the cycle of excuses. We all make excuses to try to justify our behavior, but these kinds of excuses aren’t doing you any favors when it comes to weight loss. Force yourself to accept your failures and work to improve them.

One good way of breaking the excuse cycle is to ask this question - "What could I have done differently to get better results" No excuses just focusing on the future and getting better results. This reminded me of something I read in a book about Buddhism a little while back, which said something along the lines of - "Feeling guilty is pointless, you can not go back and change the past, accept you have done wrong and pledge not to do it the future" Perhaps guilt and excuses are linked together.

3. Deal with your emotions. For many people, food is an emotional thing and a coping mechanism for other things that aren’t right in their lives. If you want to change your mindset about your body, you’ll first have to deal with these powerful emotions.

We have touched on this quite a few times at Mind Body Weight Loss, dealing with your emotions is so important because emotions and hunger are both felt in the stomach area and can get confused. We also looked at Louise L Hay and her Mirror Work in helping us deal with our emotions.

4. Make the decision to be thinner. Sometimes all it takes is a firm resolution to make a change in your life. If you want to lose weight, make the choice to do so and let your actions follow suit.

Make a decision of where you want to go, a good way to do this is a simple meditation or visualization where you imagine yourself ten years in the future looking back at yourself now. The first time your look back you didn't make a decision and you are the same weight you are now, notice how you are feeling. Then follow the process again, from yourself in ten years time but your ideal weight and the weight you have been for nine of the last ten years. Notice how you are feeling. And finally compare the 2 feelings, this should help you make your decision.

5. Take responsibility. No one is forcing food down your throat or keeping you from the gym. Once you realize that and can take responsibility for your own actions regarding your health and fitness, you’ll be one step closer to meeting your goals.

Very similar to point 2 because accountability and responsibility overlap.

6. Think clearly. Weight loss, body image and personal health can be emotionally charged issues. When you think about these things it is important to separate them as best you can from your emotions and make logical, thoughtful decisions about what is best. For instance, our emotions might tell us we need a piece of cake after a hard day, but our logical thinking would tell us it will only make you feel worse about yourself.

I recently heard a fantastic technique to help you 'think clearly', especially when there is a conflict between emotion and logic as described in point 6. Say you are tempted by a piece of cake, but you do not want it because you will bad afterward, try this exercise: Sit down, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, now imagine the slice of cake in front of you, take a bite of imagine the taste and texture in your mouth, chew it and swallow it, now repeat this until the whole slice is gone, now take another slice and imagine the whole process of imagining the taste, texture, chewing and swallowing again until this slice has gone too. Now note how imagining this cake has made you feel, feel every bit of this feeling right through to the end. Now open your eyes and make the decision and take all responsibility for it.

7. Change your programming. Many of us have programmed our brains to think we are fat, unhealthy and will never look or feel like we want to. Thinking this way is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, but by changing your mental programming, you’ll change what you’re capable of in weight loss.

All I can say here is; if you want to learn how to reprogram your mind we suggest reading 'You can heal your life' by Louise L Hay in her book she guides you through how to change a negative view of oneself in to a positive view, using affirmations.

8. Stay positive. There is no upside to negative thinking when it comes to losing weight. Staying positive will help you feel better about yourself, keep you motivated and reduce stress — all of which will help you lose more weight.

As mentioned above affirmations are fantastic ways to stay positive, the two most popular ones I use are: 'I trust in the process of life to bring me my highest good' and 'Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better'

9. Train your mind to think in your best interest. If you want to lose weight, focus on replacing your unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones. After a while, you will think less unhealthy thoughts and be a step ahead in reaching your goals.
Source -

The point of replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones is a gem and reminds me of a David Wolfe Quote "The best strategy we have got is to just add in good stuff and eventually it will crowd out the bad stuff. It’s so simple and deactivates the mental neurosis we have about diets and what we have to eat". So the best way a thought or food is to not stop negative thought but to keep adding positivity (Food, Thought and Actions) until it over takes and eventually eliminates the negativity all together.

Thank you for reading this post, if you liked it and would like more information form us at Mind Body Weight Loss please fill in the form at the top right of this page to receive offers, the latest new and other great weight loss goodies.

Read More of this series:
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 1
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 3
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 4

Motivational Weight Loss Quotes

I hope you find these quote both helpful and motivating to achieve your weight loss goals.

"Never, never never, nerve give up."
Winston Churchill tweet this quote

"I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again" tweet this quote

"Do not reward yourself with food, You're not a dog" tweet this quote

"Losing weight is a mind game. Change your mind, change your body" tweet this quote

"Our health always seems more valuable after we lose it" tweet this quote

"Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels" tweet this quote

"DON'T QUIT"tweet this quote

"I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday" tweet this quote

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Golden Weight Loss Rules from Paul McKenna

These Golden Weight Loss Rules from Paul McKenna are great, you can hear what we at Mind Body Weight Loss have to say about these 4 rules below.

Or read the transcript for the above audio at our website.

Paul McKenna is an expert on Weight Loss and has developed these 4 Weight Loss Rules:

GOLDEN RULE 1: When you are hungry, EAT!

GOLDEN RULE 2: Eat what you want, not what you think you should.

GOLDEN RULE 3: Whenever you eat, do it CONSCIOUSLY.

GOLDEN RULE 4: When you THINK you are full, STOP eating!

As I am sure you are aware some of the above weight loss rule are think that we have talked about at Mind Body Weight Loss for some time, especially the Consciously Eating and Listening to you body to stop eating when you are full, however it is always good to see that they are carried and recognised by other experts in the Weight Loss field.

Paul McKenna is British Hypnotherapist who is passionate about helping people. He has written two book on the topic of weight loss "I can make you thin" and "Hypnotic Gastric Band" both books are extremely interesting and powerful helping change the way we think about losing weight.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 1

We love these mind techniques for weight loss below and they are a great way to help you lose weight and keep it off, why not check them out and give them a go?

1. Be patient. Losing weight in any kind of healthy way is going to take time. Give yourself a break and relax, and the weight will come off.

Be patient and kind to yourself you deserve it as much as anyone else.

2. Don’t stress. Stressing about weight loss will likely only make it harder to lose.

This is very true. We recently found an interesting article that demonstrates a way we can change our language to reduce stress. Have a look and let is know how it works for you.

3. Be realistic Setting unrealistic goals for your weight loss isn’t healthy for your body or mind. Get your mind set on more realistic accomplishments and you’ll be happier and healthier.

We hear that any goal set should be smart - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time Based.

4. Create a routine. Success with any weight loss program requires creating a routine and sticking to it in what you eat, when you work out and how you think about your progress.

They say it take 28 days to get in a routine after that it starts to become a habit. 1 month of conscious effort is required.

5. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you aren’t eating enough, you’re eating too much, or you’re pushing yourself too hard.

As we say about mindful and conscious eating, listen to your body to tell you when you are full or are hungry as it already knows the answers, but if you are distracted or stress it can be hard to hear its messages.

6. Use your imagination. Our imaginations are powerful things and you can use yours to picture your body and your life the way you really want it to be.

There is evidence to show that our bodies do not know the difference between what is imagined and what is real, it reacts the same to the action as it does to imagining the action.

7. Take it slow. You cannot expect to change your mindset or your body overnight. Take the process slow and steady for the best results.

We have all heard of quick change, but does it last? We at Mind Body Weight Loss feel that weight loss should be done once and not over and over. If this means losing weight at a slower pace but keeping it off forever that must be worth it.

8. Be honest with yourself. Being honest might be more difficult or more painful, but you cannot move forward in changing your body or how you think about it without facing some hard truths about yourself.

I always say to myself that honesty sets you free, it also gives an acceptance of exactly where you are in your life from which you will then have a solid foundation to build. It is much easier to build from a solid platform than it is from a soft sandy one. Honesty and acceptance gives us that solidity.

9. Find out what you truly want. The reality is that you might not be ready to lose weight or commit yourself to the work that it takes. Find out what you truly want in your life. Knowing that you really, really want to lose weight can be a huge factor in motivating you. Source -

Knowing ones purpose is the key to a happy fulling life. Why not try a visualization of your life 10 years from now, imagine what you would like it to be like. Everything exactly how you want it. This will help show you where you want to go. Also you could read the book "Man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl who was a in a concentration camp and found that developing a purpose is what allow us to be happy and move forward with our life.

 We hope you found this post helpful and interesting, if so please sign up for our eNewsletter to receive lots of Weight Loss goodies as well as information, tips, techniques and offers.

Read more in this series:
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 2
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 3
Mind Techniques for Weight Loss - Part 4

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Hypnotic Gastric Band

The Hypnotic Gastric Band is a process where a person chooses to be hypnotized in to believing they have had an actual Gastric Band fitted. The people who created this have stated that this is upto 75% successful and are in the process of sourcing academic research to confirm, deny or even enhance their claims. This said hypnosis is known to be extremely successful:

Analysis of 18 studies comparing a cognitive behavioral therapy such as relaxation training, guided imagery, self monitoring, or goal setting with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis.
Those who received the hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after the treatment ended.

What is the Hypnotic Gastric Band

The Hypnotic Gastric Band is where you have hypnotherapy sessions which enable you to believe you have had a Gastric Band Fitted in an operation, like a virtual operation.

The operation itself is where a small piece of plastic is attached to the top of the stomach to make it small enabling the person to become fuller quickly.

Paul Mckenna explains it like this:
"Your body also communicates with your brain through the nervous system. When your stomach fills, its wall is stretched and nerves react and send signals to the brain.

These systems get thrown out of balance by overeating. The body starts to believe there must be an important reason why its signals are being ignored, and assumes the overeating is a deliberate preparation for a famine. So all the extra food is converted to fat, which is basically stored energy.

When your hypnotic gastric band is fitted, it stops that overeating, and as you move towards a healthy weight your normal responses to your hormonal and nervous signals are restored"
Source -

Success Stories with the Hypno Gastric Band

Daughter lose 6 stone in weight when her Hypnotherapist Mum fits a Hypnotic Gastric Band

Louise turn to Hypnosis as a last hope after attempting many diets. The Hypnotic Gastric Band helped her lose nearly 2 and half stone.

Lauren, a busy full time mum lost 2 stone 10lb using the Hypnotic Gastric Band, even though she had a passion for fast food dinners and snacks. She stated "I used to get really peckish between meals and snack on crisps and chocolate and drink lots of sugary, fizzy drinks – but I just don’t get those same urges any more. My portions have got a lot smaller and I’ve stopped craving fatty meals"

How you can get a Hypnotic Gastric Band

There are a variety of ways you can do this:

We hope you found this post helpful, if so please sign up to our newsletter in the top right of this page, if you have not already done so. We can then send you lots of free weight loss goodies.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Love and Accepting Yourself

A good place to start with this is the lyrics from "Man in the Mirror"
I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could've Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make That . . .
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make That . . . Change!
Source -
It was Louise L Hay in her book "You Can Heal Your Life" who discussed using a mirror to help accept yourself exactly as you are, she called it mirror work and it is a fantastic way to help you move towards your weight loss goal.

What she suggests you do is stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say to yourself over and over:

"I Love and Accept You Exactly As You Are"
This affirmation is extremely powerful, both Mindful Mark and myself Can Do Craig have used this in the past to help us overcome emotional obstacles. It enabled us and will enable you too to take stock of where you are in life and what you feel about yourself. If at first it feels odd keep doing it as the results are amazing and will help create a solid foundation for you to move forward to shape the life and indeed the body you want in the future.

If you would like to discuss this further please comment below, email us or even get a copy of "You Can Heal Your Life" we highly recommend it.

Speak soon.

Can do Craig

Friday, 26 July 2013

Be You Only Better

A few years ago I found a really good advertising strap line for a Gym, "Be Yourself, Only Better" This profoundly affected me at the time. It gave me the realization that from wherever you are in your life, at this point right now and right here you can make a choice to move in any direction you wish to create a better you.

Yesterday I found this visualization technique which spells out the 'Best Me" Which at this moment, right now you can start to create that better you.

  • (B) Picture yourself in the future, at the very moment you reach your desired weight. Make it as real as you can, so that it feels as if you were really there.
  • (E) Feel the admiring looks of your friends and family upon you, and enjoy to the fullest your sense of pride and accomplishment as you dwell on the glow of your success.
  • (S) See it happen, hear it happen, and feel it happening, as you allow yourself to experience this thrill of achievement throughout every part of your body, from head to toe.
  • (T) Visualize this goal so clearly that it feels as if you were actually willing it into existence.
  • (M) Let yourself believe that you are headed toward a certain and inevitable success.
  • (E) And as a result, allow yourself to act, think, and feel as if it were impossible to fail.
Source -

The feeling this exercise can give you helps create your motivation to keep going, because you will know how you will feel upon achieving your weight loss goal.

If you feel it is for you please give it a try and comment below on your individual experience.

Wishing you a fantastic day

From Mindful Mark

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Hypnosis and Weight Loss

Hypnosis is a fantastic way to lose weight by focusing your mind on your weight loss goal.

For some it is helps people learn news habit to ensure they not only lose weight but keep it off. Georgia is one such person who had tried a variety of diets before having hypnotherapy. In her own words she explains what her hypnotherapist stated to her:

"four simple agreements to which I would need to adhere: Eat when you're hungry, listen to your body and eat what you crave, stop when you're full, eat slowly and enjoy every mouthful. As such, no foods were off limits and I was encouraged to eat everything in moderation—music to my ears!"
Source -
It sounds as if Georgia had a great Hypnotherapist as her advice is good. Georgia explains that she saw her hypnotherapist 8 time in the space of year and says that "The weight dropped off slowly and surely, without huge changes to my lifestyle". This goes to show the power of the mind in helping to lose weight.

The topic of hypnosis and how it may feel was then raised and Georgia explains herself in hypnosis as being "very lucid and in control". She stated how some of the visualization techniques she followed during hypnosis made her realize how creative and precise she was as person.

Can Do Craig and me Mindful mark did a video a while back to explain hypnosis and to put peoples mind a rest to how it may feel. (Apologies for the video. It was one of our early ones. ;-) )

We stated earlier in this post that some like to use hypnotherapy to break a habit which as you can see above can be very successful, others now use hypnotherapy to have a virtual gastric band fitted.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Best Weight Loss Tip, Ever!

We at Mind Body Weight Loss have concluded that this is the best weight loss tip, ever! It not only changes the way you think but in our opinion will enable you to lose weight and keep it off.

I first heard the tip in the documentary 'Hungry for Change' when Jon Gabriel and David Wolfe first made the suggestion. It is so clever and obvious you may wonder why you have not heard of it before.

Please listen below and comment on if you agree with us, and if not what do you think is the best weight loss tip ever. I would love to hear from you

You can also read the transcript of the above audio at MindBodyWeight

Speak soon

Mindful Mark

p.s - we did review Hungry for Change a little while ago on our website if you want to learn more about this fantastic weight loss DVD which we believe could change your weight loss world.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Motivational Weight Loss Quotes

Here are 3 quotes to help motivate your weight loss. We know you can do it! Others before you have, so we know you can too!
Believe you can do anything.
Achieve the unthinkable.
 Belief is everything so please believe you can do it!
Be Miserable or motivate yourself
Whatever has to be done,
It's always your choice.
30 days from now you're either going to be
blown away by how much you've improved in how you look, feel, and perform.
Or you're going to regret not having done your best.
 In this world the power we have is in this moment, right now to do what is best for us. What choices are you going to make?

We are what we repeatedly do.
 What is your best weight loss behaviour you can repeat over and over again to get healthy and lose weight?

Monday, 22 July 2013

Lose Fat in a Cold Shower

The advice to lose Fat in a cold shower goes something like this:
When your body is exposed to cold, it requires more heat to warm you up. To do so, it has to process more energy and, in doing so, helps you burn more fat, more efficiently. It can also activate “brown fat”, which is a sort of good fat that helps generate heat, increase your metabolism and burn fat.
Source -

Interesting eh!

There are also many other benefits you can get from taking a cold shower. Some of which can be found here:

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Ask One Question to Lose Weight

Really? All I need to do is 'Ask One Question to Lose Weight'? I can understand the skepticism, however the further you look in to one persons story you can see that it really worked for him.

William Pratt had always struggled with his weight since he was a child, as an adult he weighed up to 30+ stones (424 lbs). When his dad passed he put on 100lbs and got very depressed, his wife encouraged him to see a therapist, which he did.

However it was not until his doctor asked him this question that everything started to open up for William.

"Tell me the one secret that you had never wanted anyone to know"

Now of course we don't need anyone to actually tell us this information, it is a question that perhaps you should ask yourself and answer it honestly.

It took William a couple of weeks to openly answer it, in the post he sent to the Huffington Post he explains his secret was that he was gay. From that point on he could start dealing with alot other emotional issues which he had and once he had done that the weight its self just started to fall off.

The reason he may have lost his weight after dealing with his emotional issues could be that emotional feelings and hunger are all experienced in the gut and can be difficult to distinguish apart. Once the emotions have been explored it is easier to recognize hunger and as such eat when hungry and not for emotional reasons.

A point a clarity here is that not everyone will have a big secret from their past that they need to get of their chest. However it is a good question perhaps to ask yourself to see if it takes you on a journey of fulfillment like it did for William.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Weight Loss Review With Mindful Mark and Can Do Craig

Check out Mindful Mark and my review of the last week at Mind Body Weight Loss. We talk about our posts, what we have learnt, and how you can get in touch with any information you would like us to research for future posts.

We would love to hear any comments you have about our this blog and our Mind Body Weight Loss Website. Also let us know what you would like to see in you ideal weight loss product.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Why Diets Do Not Work!

I (Can Do Craig) explain why diets do not work. I am extremely passionate about this topic and the more I hear about it the more sure I am that working with the mind is the best way to achieve any long term weight loss goal.

It is not just me who feels this way, Graham Norton on his radio show stated:

This is so true and presumably they make their money because none of these big diet things work. You know its a business model with failure built in. If everyone can lose weight and keep it off thats the end of your business. So it is in their interest you put the weight back on, Actually! Thats what I am saying!

Listen to more of what Graham Norton had to say about dieting at our website

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Five Contemplations While Eating

As my name would suggest I enjoy Mindfulness and can see the benefits of how mindfully eating can help weight loss. We have discussed in the past how to eat consciously exploring how to fully experience food and not being distracted by a book or TV. Thus enabling you to hear when you body is full and to stop eating.

With mindfulness being such an important part of buddhism I thought it would nice to see what it had to say about it. I came across this gem called:

The Five Contemplations While Eating
  1. This food is the gift of the whole universe: the earth, the sky, numerous living beings, and much hard, loving work.
  2. May we eat with mindfulness and gratitude so as to be worthy to receive it.
  3. May we recognize and transform our unwholesome mental formations, especially our greed, and learn to eat with moderation.
  4. May we keep our compassion alive by eating in such a way that we reduce the suffering of living beings, preserve our planet, and reverse the process of global warming.
  5. We accept this food so that we may nurture our sister- hood and brotherhood, strengthen our community, and nourish our ideal of serving all living beings.
Source - Savor

I think you will agree with me by fully appreciating the journey our food has taken to our plates enables us to become aware that we can consciously select the best food for our body to become as healthy as possible.

Here is a Buddhist "Grace" which can help with The Five Contemplations before preparing or eating food.
Where does the food come from?
It is shameful to accept it with low virtue.
After discarding all greed,
And considering it as a remedy to support the body,
I accept the food to achieve the Way.

If you would like to read more about 'The Five Contemplations' you can at our website

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Obesity a Human Condition

We, at Mind Body Weight Loss, this week were sent a link to a video entitled "If All Animals Were Fat".

The video really got us thinking about being 'Fat' and requiring Weight Loss. The realization hit us that being 'Fat' is a very human only condition, this became even more apparent when the only unhealthy fat animals we could think off were those being cared for by humans.

Can you think of any unhealthy fat animals.

We, as humans, have been psychology conditioned to desire 'things', we are no longer a society of 'need' but a society of 'want'. What this means has been best described in the Adam Curtis' Documentary called 'The Century of The Self'. But to give you an overview there was a time when people only had one set of clothes. Once their trousers had worn out, repaired and finally were unrepairable would they 'Need' a new pair. Now a day we all have many pairs of trousers and 'want' them in different colours. So what changed and how does this link to weight loss?

What changed, Curtis explains in his documentary, is that in the 1920's a department store employed a PR man called Edward Bernays, and the nephew of Sigmund Freud, to increase it's sales. He did this by creating a desire for a product. Think the moment in 'Pretty Woman' when the shop owner turned Julie Roberts away because they didn't think she had enough money. That is classic ploy designed by Bernays, before his strategies were implemented every shop would serve every person regardless. What happens is that because you were not left feeling valued you 'aspire' for that product because it is just out of reach. Imagine for a moment you went in to a high range sports car showroom as a 17 year old dressed inappropriately, the chances of you being treated the same as a City Banker dressed in a suit is very unlikely. Edward Bernays description below demonstrates this a bit more extensively.

If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits.
Edward Bernays

So how does this effect you with weight loss? We are daily seeing adverts and promotions, which are a form of propaganda, for processed and fast foods and stating how socially they will effect us all. The reality however has not changed one little bit from when we were cavemen hunting and gathering our own natural food, and this is the rub as the quote from Edward Bernays suggests:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
Edward Bernays

Animals eat what is available to them in nature and are not influenced by propaganda. The dangers of over eating for animals are also more critical than for humans. In the animal kingdom it is clear that if they over eat or become fat they will move slower and are more likely to become prey for another animal in the food chain, something humans, sitting near the top do not have to fear. Their problems come from falling prey to human diseases like heart attacks, diabetes and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

This is information is shared with you to not give an excuse to not lose weight but to empower individuals into the realization that they have the knowledge to take back the power for their own life and be 100% responsible for their actions to obtain their life's goals.

With this is mind, we should eat natural food and not socially encouraged processed and fast foods, it starts to become really clear to us why we don't see fat animals and that obesity and weight gain is a truly human condition. Perhaps, after a little more investigation, we will find that weight gain has been such an issue over the recent years due to us 'wanting' food rather 'needing' it like our animal counterparts. As Benjamin Franklins' quote sums up "One should eat to live, not live to eat."

Monday, 15 July 2013

Welcome to Mind Body Weight Loss

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Mind Body Weight Loss.

Mindful Mark and Myself - Can Do Craig are here to do all we can to help you not only lose weight but to keep it off.

As you will see as you read our future blog posts, Mindful Mark is the person who will research and look in to technique and examples of just how you can keep the weight off once you have lost it.

I will help motivate you to follow the techniques from my own experiences. As I alwaya say it is all well and good knowing the information, but it is worthless if you are not going to do anything with it.

So between us you now have the best support team to help you achieve your weight loss goals. To get the full benefit from all our FREE information why not sign up to our eNewsletter in the top right hand corner of this page.

Speak soon

Can Do Craig

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