

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Work your mind for weight loss

We at Mind Body Weight Loss have always believed that if you work deal with your mind first you will not lose weight quicker but you will also keep the weight off. Arnold Schwarzenegger is so right with his quote and belief:

"The mind always fails first, not the body. The secret is to make your mind work for you, not against you."

With this in mind it shows the importance of addressing the mind when it comes to your weight loss. It may seems difficult to do but really it is not as the quite a few products that will help you do this. these include:
Why not check them out?

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Weight Loss Change

This is what I am on about, challenge, what ever challenge we have in life when come through the other side we are generally a strong, better person.

You can't spell challenge without change .
If you're going to rise to the challenge, you have to be prepared to change.
This reminds me of the Anthony Robbins quote:

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. "

So set yourself that challenge to meet your weight loss goal and you will see the change. Myself Can Do Craig and Mindful Mark are here to support you through that change with lots of free advice, tips, eNewsletters and 3 FREE eBooks.

So make that change and make that difference.

You can do it!
Can Do Craig

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

You are not fat

Such a great perspective to have and I love this statement made on tumblr it really made me think.
You are a soul. You are a mind.
You are not fat. You have fat.
You also have fingernails, but you aren't fingernails, are you?
You have hair, but you aren't hair, are you?
You have fat, but you are not fat.
You are beautiful.
This is really quite profound and is a very clever statement because it enables us to think of our weight loss in a new way.

Some of use have longer fingernails or more hair than others but we do not define ourselves or get in an emotional muddle over it, if the fingernails are too long we just cut them to our desired length. If we do not like our hair we change it to a style we like. These two brilliant examples of fingernails and hair do not define us, so why should we let fat do the same. If we are happy with our weight and feel we have enough fat great, if we have too much then lets remove in with a similar mindset to how we change the length of our nail and hair. No real emotional attachment, just do what is best for you.

You are amazing please do not define yourself by something you have too much or too little off, define yourself by your soul and your life purpose.

Best wishes
Mindful Mark

Monday, 2 December 2013

You Can Lose Weight, I Promise

This is such a great quote because you are so much better than you believe. When you look back at your life you may see some amazing events that you have came through or amazing things you have done, if not now is the time to start. You will find out that if others can lose weight then you can too. This is the premise of NLP, in that if one person can achieve weight loss then you can follow the same model they did and lose weight too.

You may want to try this successful model:

The Gabriel Method, Jon Gabriel lost 220lbs and share exactly how he did it. There are testimonial of other who follow the same model and lost lots of weight too.

So remember:

Keep your head up
You are much better than you believe
You can do this.

Best wishes
Mindful Mark

Sunday, 1 December 2013

A Diet Is Just For Christmas Not For Life

With Christmas and the New Year coming up very fast most of us will be thinking about losing weight and getting healthy, you could call it a New Year resolution.

So why do so many make this promise to yourselves that they are going to lose weight and keep it off, however week or a month you are back to the same habits.

You see the first thing we think about when we want lose is go on a diet. This is the biggest factor in why you will put it back on. 90-95% of people that go on a diet will put it all back on, I will say that again 90-95%WILL PUT IT ALL BACK ON. Now do I have you attention! Good!

The reason dieting does not work is YOU are unique, there is not another YOU.

So why should a dieting work when it is not made for YOU.

To lose weight and keep it off for ever is to find out WHY you put on weight in the first place. Find out what beliefs are stopping you keeping the weight off and remove them. We have so much information to help you on this very blog to help you.

“You Get more of what you focus on the most”

Good Luck
Can Do Craig

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